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Folder permissions

I have a problem with folder permissions where I create a new folder in the "Public folder" and by default it does not have read or write permissions for staff that are logged on to the share.

Does anyone know how to make the default read and write for any new folders ?

I have used the "action" to make all enclosed folders the same as the parent one but the settings do not apply to any new folders that are made after the action is run.
I am using system 10.6.2 but I had the same problem with 10.5.8
When I make a new folder when logged on with an admin account it still has a default of read only and I have to change it manually.

Many Thanks
We've had permission issues creating shared folders as well and found that if you create the folder on your own desktop and then move the folder to it's location on the server, then people should be able to access it.
Thanks for that tip but my problem is that I'm trying to automate as much as possible and the scanning software that we are using, by default, creates a folder when saving a scan.
The folder that the new folder is being created in is a watched folder and our software, Agfas' Intellitune, cannot process the file because it does not have permission.

Hope that makes sense !
Are these folders all on a local machine with filesharing turned on, or on a server somewhere else?
We are using the Mac as a server with only the Public folder shared out.

So a picture is copied to a folder in the Public folder, processed by Intellitune and then transferred to another folder within the Public folder ready for collection.

When the scanning software creates a folder in the Public folder automatically the picture cannot be processed due to the permissions.

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I think it's an issue with the Public folder's read/write abilities. I don't have 10.6 here, but know that in 10.5 if you set up a folder for sharing on your desktop and then open up the sharing prefs pane, you can drag that new folder into the "Shared Folders" side of the File Sharing window and then change the read/write permissions for your user, unknown user and everyone to be Read & Write. I don't know what the Agfa requires, but in the options window you can check both AFP and SMB and you should be good. You could also try changing the Public folder permissions in there as well to make sure everyone has Read/Write if it's not already set in there.
If all else fails, try going into the terminal and do this:
type sudo chmod -R 777 (then drag the folder you want to change here) and enter your password. This will force the folder you drag in as well as all sub folders to have read/write permissions for everyone.
Good luck!
The Public folder is a system folder that has it's permissions automatically set to the permissions for Public use. I would advise against changing it because I believe the OS will just change it back. Create a new folder elsewhere on the HD and then open the System Preference for sharing, add the folder there and set the permissions as you desire. Should be good to go after switching your users to using that folder instead of the Public folder.
Thank you to both of you but it seems where ever I create a folder on the Mac it has it's permissions set to read only even though I have given full access to everybody.

Thanks again
You can also set up an Automator action to run a shell script on your shared folder. Create an Automator workflow on the folder and then go to Utilities>Run Shell Script and copy/paste the following (remove cat if it appears by default):


/bin/chmod -R 777 "/Users/username/Desktop/Share"
/bin/echo Done

Obviously replace my path with the path of your folder, which can easily be found by opening a terminal window and just dropping the folder into the window.
You could also do this automatically with a folder action. Copy this text into script editor
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Finder"
set fold_name to the name of this_folder
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in added_items
set new_item to item i of added_items
set the item_path to the quoted form of the POSIX path of new_item
do shell script ("/bin/chmod -R ug=rwx " & item_path)
do shell script ("/bin/chgrp -R [groupname] " & item_path)

end repeat
end try
end tell
end adding folder items to
change the variable [groupname] to whatever group you want to give access to (ie: admin, client, CSR, etc).

Now save the script (User/Library/Scripts/Folder Actions is a good place). Right click (or Control click) on the folder and enable folder actions then right or control click again and choose "Attach a Folder action" pick the script you just saved.

Now anything dropped into the folder will automatically get it's permissions changed to read/write/execute for the owner and group of the file and the group will be set to whatever groupname you entered.

You can also do this with a bitmask as Verdant mentioned change the first do shell script to ("/bin/chmod -R 777 " & item_path) although this will open ALL access to that folder which may not be what you want.

This site has some more info on setting Unix file permissions
Modify User Permissions - Webmonkey

Sorry for so long in getting back but again thank you to all for your help.
As this is a live server I'll try the various options that have been suggested at the weekend.

I'll let you know !

Hi all,
I went for the Sandbox option as I'm not too comfortable with terminal, it took a while to get my head round at what level to apply the permissions but I ended up applying them to the user and all the folders within.
Worked like a charm so thanks to all of you for your help !



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