Fuji Final Proof Error (Blower Unit Abnormality)


New member
Hey folks,

Anybody ever have this error on a consistent basis? :mad:
Fuji Final Proof (Blower Unit Abnormality)

Presently, we cannot queue up more than one proof as a time. If we feel daring and do queue up jobs... we are destined to get a "blower unit abnormality" within 2-3 minutes and have to shut the machine down and restart.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Mookie :)
Take it ALL the way down

Take it ALL the way down

First the basic, your blower and finalproof should be on separate circuits.

By shutting down "the machine" are you including the blower? Old school shutdown would include shutting down AND disconnecting everything (including SCSI from shooter) for no less than five minutes. After reconnecting, begin with restarting the blower, wait two minutes then restart the finalproof, wait another two minutes then restart the shooter.

Second, environment. Our finalproof has run for six(?) years now with only two diode replacement issues. ALL other problems have been resolved by ensuring temperature and humidity meet the minimums (18°-24°C, 30%-70%). The fancy sensors will start giving false errors when the humidity falls below the minimum of 30%.

Another possibility would be a cable problem. The cable connecting the blower to the finalproof may be loose at either end (corrected by an old school restart) or another cable overlaying it is causing interference, but that is the least likely of issues, IMHO.

The finalproof is a rock solid device. Our local tech still has to look in the manual to install diodes or perform PMs, because even with his years of experience, he just doesn't work on them that much!
Hello and thank you for responding.

While all that seems to make perfect sense, figure this out for me.

Why does the blower error only happen when we release more than one job at a time at the rip? Thats what we can't understand.

We are fine releasing a job one at a time. As long as we start processing the next one after the other one has finished.





Only when you que more than one at at time? Well that's a mystery. A mystery that I would try to solve with previously mentioned number two, probably twice before I called FLYFUJI. It is also possible that the blower has gone bad.

Do you have (the almost worthless option in the modern digital age) Taskero software installed? While their response to issues is about six hours too late, they do accurately recognize the problem and could POSSSIBLY identify a more technical issue. I'd send you our Taskero COM cable for testing, but I'd need an OK from the boss.

Well, there is more than a cable involved. There is software too. I'm not using Taskero anymore, but as a simple tech connection (not the Taskero Universe for Color Management that they're selling now) it just wasn't good enough. Thank goodness it was free.

Another, very remote possibility, remains the climate. The blower being on can effect the environment as far as humidity from one proof to the next. Can you do a proof immediately after the first without error? If so, than there exists a tech issue that hopefully FUJI (did say FooEE) solve. That's where Taskero COULD help.
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