I lost the connection between the G3 (PS/M7.1) with Dolev 4press.
On MacG3 everything is fine, 2 years everything was OK,
Mac G3 with:
OS: MacOS9.2.2,
M/S 7.1 instaled:
board SFL-PCI card with BNC TX-RX Fiber Cable (Optical).
In Dolev 4press a VLSI-SFL board for connection to Mac G3.
When I start PS / M 7.1 Mac G3 will not to connect to Dolev 4 press, and shows the message:
5153: deviceMsg_e
Sorry, there is not plotter connected.
Mac G3 I tested and everything is fine. Fiber cable is OK.
As far as I have experience a problem in the Dolev 4 press.
Do you have any idea ?
I lost the connection between the G3 (PS/M7.1) with Dolev 4press.
On MacG3 everything is fine, 2 years everything was OK,
Mac G3 with:
OS: MacOS9.2.2,
board SFL-PCI card with BNC TX-RX Fiber Cable (Optical).
In Dolev 4press a VLSI-SFL board for connection to Mac G3.
When I start PS / M 7.1 Mac G3 will not to connect to Dolev 4 press, and shows the message:
5153: deviceMsg_e
Sorry, there is not plotter connected.
Mac G3 I tested and everything is fine. Fiber cable is OK.
As far as I have experience a problem in the Dolev 4 press.
Do you have any idea ?