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Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that fits


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here in PrintPlanet, though i'm regularly browsing this helpful site. Will somebody help me please?

Our company is a printer of newspapers here in the Philippines. Our prepress is equip with an Agfa Accuset 1500 and Taipan RIP 1.1. I know kind'a very old. Our company has no plan yet to purchase a CTP system as business is not good. However, I told them that we need to upgrade our RIP so that we can accept more jobs. So they asked me to make a proposal for the RIP upgrade. My problem is that I am very much confuse (actually overwhelmed) on how am I going to propose a "right" upgrade that is cost-efficient with very costly newer RIPs out there. I only wanted a software RIP that can drive our imagesetter, render PDF 1.3/PDFx-1a (as we are a newspaper printer but PDF 1.7 a plus) efficiently, can processed Asian characters especially Chinese and Japanese perfect, runs in PC platform.

Please help me what available options out there. Thank you.


Edited by: lyzan on Jun 4, 2008 8:09 AM
Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that fits

STUDIORIP OR SOME HARLEQUINRIP XITRON can be the way, send me private mensage to help you.
Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that

Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that

Yes, the Xitron products are good. You may also want to consider some used ApogeePDFRip series 3 software. On a well configured machine they can be very, very fast, they're simple and easy to use. Once you jump to the ApogeeX products you'll encounter far more complications and a bigger price tag than you seem to need for your situation. They'll all be "un-supported" but so isn't your Taipan so you are used to it. I once ran PDFRip series 3 on a WindowsXP Pro PC and honestly, it got jobs out just as fast as the $50,000 FlexRip it replaced.
Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that

Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that

Thanks guys.

I'm in the Philippines. I don't think I can find used ApogeePDFRip series 3 here, thus any offer? If the price is reasonable I will put it in my proposal but I'm not sure if my PAC board will work with PDFRip series 3. And yes I can live without "support" but I am uneasy with regards to used interface card unless it will be bundled free.

Yes, ApogeeX is very expensive and I think not viable for our needs. So my eyes are with Xitron and RTI-rips Imagesetter RIP kits, just needed to satisfy some queries.

1. Is it true that Harlequin is competitor of Adobe's PS and PDF, thus not necessarily following Adobe's standard?
2. If yes, will outputting PDF generated by Adobe's product in Harlequin will have no problems also?
3. Can it output Asian characters embedded in PDF files?

Edited by: lyzan on Jun 11, 2008 9:53 AM

Edited by: lyzan on Jun 11, 2008 9:56 AM
Re: Help upgrading Agfa Taipan RIP 1.1 to any possible Apogee version that fits

Good day,

You will be far better off with a new Harlequin RIP. The next best choice is the Eagle RIP.
We will be happy to quote you on each solution if you desire.
If I am not too late, I can help you with your problem. My company is the dealer of EagleRip in the Philippines and have installed the rip on several Accusets here.

I have stocks available for demonstration and immediate installation.

Visit my website at B & W Commercial for more details on the EagleRip and my contact information.
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Get TIFF Output and Imagesetter Capability in one RIP

Get TIFF Output and Imagesetter Capability in one RIP

Get a RIP that will work with your current device but also drives a wide variety of other output devices. Whatever RIP you do decide to get should have TIFF output capability. This way if you want to output TIFF files to a different workflow or a different device, you have the option to do so. Check out the imagesetter Harlequin RIPs offered on the following link: Harlequin RIP Software for Platesetters and Imagesetters. Film & Plate RIP Software for Platesetters and Film Imagesetters

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