Hiya Gordo! I worked in packaging for almost 8 years, most of the presses were 7 and 8-color, every deck was used...
We used to print the darker opaque PMS's last, actually (K, too), As we trapped everything into those colors (wanted them underneath, hidden). It would vary from job-to-job, nothing was set in stone (ain't that the truth!), but.. Counter to conventional commercial litho, because of the way we trapped, Dark colors and metaillics were always last (wouldn't contaminate the ink train, either.. PMS 109's a bitch to keep clean after 100m impressions). Pushing Rhodamine/PMS_185 on top of a silver looked really bad, too. You wouldn't think it would show (we only trapped 0.005'), but.. there was the pink halo staring at you from the press sheet...
Underprinting white's screwed it all up, metaillized paper had it's own set of rules too, but we added UV decks between stations and solved many of those problems. Having worked the last 4 years in the commercial market, I gotta say.. Packaging/PMS printing is a completely different animal. We used to snub our noses at those commercial guy's and all their hang ups, how 'hard' printing is.. Man, what a riot. You're bitching about dot gain? Try figuring out your angles when you have 7 PMS's.. that all trap to each other at some point (YES, 7 of them!) Dot gain's the biggest problem you got!? Must be nice....
Having worked on both sides of the fence now, I've grown to respect commercial more. I think both types of printing are very challenging, and require a great deal of talent, brains and experience to succeed. However they have drastically different challenges (the same, yet.. different). They really are completely different industries (just happen to both use printing presses). Don't assume traditional commercial-litho rule's apply (cuz they don't!) I have a great deal of respect for commercial printing and the challenges that come up. But the challenges in PMS/Packaging printing are equally hard, just very different. Attempting to compare the two is difficult at best (and I've worked 12 years between the two). It's like comparing the taste of Chicken to the taste of Fish.. Just different animals all together.
- Mac