Illustrator shadows and warped type


Active member
Hi All,
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?? Whenever I have text with a dropshadow or type that has been warped or on a curve I cannot rotate the graphics and get the effects to follow. Nothing is locked and I've outllined the type and still the effects don't follow or skew in a different direction.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks Much!!!!
try expanding all the effects to see if that will do it for you.

what version of Illustrator are you using?
In Illy CS3, select all (or just the graphic in question) and go to the Object menu, drag down and select either "Expand" or "Expand Appearance".
When you use live effects the order in wich the effects are made matter. If you use warp as an effect and then rotate the rotate is applied before the warp, since the warp is a live effect.
If you want to transform the warped work there are two ways to go. Either expand or group the object then rotate the group (or expanded objects)
Alternatively you can choose the warp from envelope distort menu. If the warp is an envelope rather than an effect you can rotate the envelope, rather than rotatiing the artwork before warping.
Thank you so much!! I tried that on a job I had yesterday and it worked like a charm!! I'll save those notes for next time.

The advatage off effects is that thier live and always editebel, so never flatten them.
If you wanna keep you styling in Illustrator and be able to rotate or scale it, you could make a Symbol, after that you can rotate and scale like you want
Another option is to use Transform effect on the object. Using the transform effect (in the Appearance pallet), the shadows will rotate along with everything else as a unit. One advantage of using transform over symbol, is that you can have a linked image in the object (symbol does not support that).


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