Job Security


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Job Security.jpg
This is definitely a challenging situation, particularly when the customer is unavailable at the moment. Halting the job could result in a missed delivery deadline. In many cases, customers prefer to have the job printed with spelling errors rather than not printed at all. Another option (if prepress operators are available) is to, correct the error, remake the plates and hope the customer is willing to cover the additional costs.

Or you can fix it for free, than scratch your head why you don't make any money.
This is definitely a challenging situation, particularly when the customer is unavailable at the moment. Halting the job could result in a missed delivery deadline. In many cases, customers prefer to have the job printed with spelling errors rather than not printed at all. Another option (if prepress operators are available) is to, correct the error, remake the plates and hope the customer is willing to cover the additional costs.

Or you can fix it for free, than scratch your head why you don't make any money.
These are logical responses to a production issue.
There is no correct answer and therein lies the irony which begets the seemingly obvious humor.
We each think we know what we would do (lol) given the same circumstances but the response of "more work for me" flies in the face of our supposed responsible reactions.
Horse=Beaten To Death.


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