LAB for Papertype 3 (LWC Improevd and Standard)


Dear All,

Can anyone tell me the Lab values specified in Fogra 45 (Improved) and Fogra 46 (Standard) for the two variations of the LWC media for heatsetoffset printing? It would be great if you can share the document that has targets for white backing as well as black backing measurements. Iam looking for this in the internet, but I get only the FOGRA Characterization data from their website. The values in that dont seem to indicate the ragets for paper whiteness. I may be misinterpreting their document BTW.

Your help is greatly appreciated, as I wish to use this to decide which icc profile our customers would be recommended for LWC media.

Many thanks in advance.
You can download the values of L*a*b* at:

bvdm | Downloads

you need to download:
MedienStandard Druck 2010 – Technische Richtlinien für Daten, Filme, Prüfdruck und Auflagendruck (Update, April 2010)

on page 11 and 12 you can find the right values.
you need to register before you can downlaod the file.
You can pull the target values from the characterization data. It probably specifies if it was measured using black or white backing in the header information.
Thanks a lot Joep. The document is in German and gives the Lab for LWC improved only (or is it for the standard LWC paper?). Still I need to clarify this. Based on my paper Lab only I wish to decide whether we should use profile for LWC improved or standard.

Many Thanks.
Hi Rich, Thank you very much. I downloaded the characterization data (I hope you refer to the FOGRA 45.txt) I guess the 0 0 0 0 entry gives the Lab for Paper. But I was not sure if this is correct. Because I checked the same for SNP as I know the values for SNP but found that the entry for 0 0 0 0 does not give the right paper Lab. So I wanted to know if there is another source that can confirm me this information.



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