magenta printing too long in middle of signature


New member
We possibly had something go thru the magenta unit. After starting back up the magenta unit was a 1/16 off register on the middle of signature, color bar was pulled in tight and clc went to pass...possibly a blanket cyl. out of round....heidelbergh M300m
Like what ? Rap Around, An ink knife What ? Why not all the units if it went thru the web press
Take blankets off, determine if packing has moved , Check cyclinders for roundness with dial indicator, if OK puton new blankets with correct packing ( check with kolite gauge ) that is a device to check the height of blanket above bearers, Really all blanket height above bearers should be the same on all units. Try this and seehow you go !
It was a lock collar for # 3 ink form that went thru. The dial indicator showed lower blanket cyl. was out of whack (journals shot). We replaced blanket cyl. and the press kept kicking the ink rollers out of gear. The last time they were put back in the crew ran for no more than 50000 impressions and it ended up chewing up a bunch of gears. Anything we may haved missed when we changed the blanket cyl. ??
without seeing it, it makes it hard to say what you have missed, but remember the amount of force applied to all cyc journals, the drive gears are all put under great stress. Strip the unit completely down and srart from scratch, as you have already smashed the gears and the downtime is not worth it again to do a quick repair.
on heidelbergs if you smash one gears they recomend you replace them all to make the press correct.


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