Missing template data Intermtantly-HELP!!!!!!

We have been experiencing a growing problem with our ApogeeX Prepress system. At various points thru job Reprocessing, Previously visible objects I.E. Color bars will vanish!
We try everything to restore them within the job ticket its self with no luck. The only verifiable solution has been to rebuild the job ticket. This only works until it vanishes again. I have downloaded all current updates for ApogeeX and for the clients. I am in the process of getting all updates for Preps. I feel that Preps is not the culprit since this occurs with legacy templates as well as newly created and/or modified templates.

Technical Manager


Never mind! I have found the solution. At the introduction of The PDF renderer the problem occurred! I had not received adequate tracking from Prepress to pin point the time in which this anomaly occurred. We had utilized a specific flow to produce an down sampled and imposed PDF file. We placed a Preflight task processor followed by a Export task processor work flow that was separating after the Imposition task processor and before the PDF renderer task processor. On the older version of the renderer task processor the result was as expected; A PDF with the imposition and a color bar exported to file and a rasterized separation rendered to PrintDrive also with a color bar. By placing the flow described earlier to produce a imposed PDF it would cause the color bars from the preps template to vanish on all flows! By adding a new Imposition task processor in front of the PDF export flow and selecting a parameter set selection that links back to the primary Imposition Task processor I.E. <main flow>, and then break the flow out in front of the main flow Imposition task processor the color bars would return to all flows.

I have reviewed all of the updates and hot fixes for ApoxeeX as well introduced this problem to many user forums over the past few months with no interest or response. I find it hard to believe that no other users have experienced this issue.

Darren Crozier

Thanks for taking the time to come back here to close the case and share what you learned. I've had some experience with Apogee upgrades breaking things. You may well have saved some anonymous soul the trouble you've gone through figuring out how to win back territory from the machine.


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