Lower Case
Re: Odd bug -- type in PDF appears on screen but disappears on the RIP
Returning to this issue as it's happened again recently. We tracked it down to an operator opening the file in ID CS3 and exporting it from there. Experiments showed that it was not a corrupt document or fonts. We found that it was possible to create a file from scratch in ID CS3 which exhibits this behaviour. To wit, a file containing text in spot colour and exported as PDF causes the spot text to disappear on the RIP. Quite a show-stopper as you might imagine.
This only happens with the PDF file directly exported from ID. There is no indication that there is anything wrong with the PDF outside of what happens on the RIP, and the same PDF can be processed through Odystar to produce a file which does rip properly.
Most of our work is four colour and most of what we RIP has already been imposed through Odystar, so it's taken a while for this to become apparent.
We're using a GMG RIP (RIPServer 4.0.13). If anyone is using this RIP I'd be interested to hear if anyone can reproduce this behaviour, or is using a later version and can confirm it doesn't happen.
Edited by: Lower Case on Mar 10, 2008 7:28 AM
Returning to this issue as it's happened again recently. We tracked it down to an operator opening the file in ID CS3 and exporting it from there. Experiments showed that it was not a corrupt document or fonts. We found that it was possible to create a file from scratch in ID CS3 which exhibits this behaviour. To wit, a file containing text in spot colour and exported as PDF causes the spot text to disappear on the RIP. Quite a show-stopper as you might imagine.
This only happens with the PDF file directly exported from ID. There is no indication that there is anything wrong with the PDF outside of what happens on the RIP, and the same PDF can be processed through Odystar to produce a file which does rip properly.
Most of our work is four colour and most of what we RIP has already been imposed through Odystar, so it's taken a while for this to become apparent.
We're using a GMG RIP (RIPServer 4.0.13). If anyone is using this RIP I'd be interested to hear if anyone can reproduce this behaviour, or is using a later version and can confirm it doesn't happen.
Edited by: Lower Case on Mar 10, 2008 7:28 AM