odd export from InDy


Well-known member
Good day,

If you have time and love a mystery
would you look at this file and see why these transparency bars
are dropping off when attempting to create a PDF. (any version)

Is the "feather" or some effect I do not see illegal
just an RGB effect that will just not work.

I really appreciate all you work with the newsgroups.


Thanks and sorry for the double listing
Not sure why it did not work, but I recreated the bars and it came out on my pdf.
When just the bar was selected it had a 47.45% reduction - When I recreated the bars the scale was at 100%. Hope this helped
That’s a good mystery alright. It exports fine for me as a flattened PDF X1a, but with an unflattened PDF X4 the bars disappear.

It doesn't seem to matter whether the bars are in spot or process, and changing the various transparency effects used like Multiply or Color doesn't matter.

If I recreate the boxes with the same settings, the new boxes work. It also works if I select one of the boxes and create a new object style with the same settings and apply that to a new box. If the problem were caused by a specific setting that we're missing, then that should get transferred over and the new object would have the same problem. So I think that you've got a corrupt file or a corrupt object in the file. How were those bars created? Were they drawn in InDesign or copied from something else?

Try submitting it to Adobe and see what they think.



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