OK..gotta buy a scanner


Active member
We're not going to drop a bundle on a new flat bed scanner but also don't want to end up in a walmart checkout

line either...

We've got a ton of rescans some from large books so the lid and bed need to accommodate.

thanks for any suggestions..

ps. our older scanner... scitex eversmart pro is going from scsi to firewire and we cant get through some

scans without getting .... error in firewire driver... error. Our oldest computer is a G5 so we had a scsi to

firewire converter... thus starts our problemo I believe...
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Epson. No issues with any I've owned. And they won't put a hole in your pocket.

Edited by: almaink on Sep 28, 2007 2:24 PM
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Our Epson 10000 XL is running like a champ, we even got the transparency lid. No problems, but bear in mind that you need to use the provided "film holders" when scanning transparencies so that the Epson scans them sharp, something about the focus is set for the holders, not glass.
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Years ago... used to have a Crosfield drum scanner. Went from that to the Scitex EverSmart Pro and after it died, we went to the Epson 10,000XL. I think the Epson is the best bang for your buck, but just don't think that it is as good as the Scitex... which by the way, was not near as good as our old Crosfield.
Oh, how times have changed...
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Since Kodak bought out Creo's technology (who in turn, bought out Scitex's technology), they still offer an upgrade to the EverSmart technology with newer software. You might want to look into the IQSMART^3^ or the EVERSMART Supreme II (if you really want high quality scans without using a drum scanner).

Epson scanners do a pretty decent job though if you don't want to drop the $$$ on a Kodak scanner. As long as you do some scanner profiling (not a hard thing to do), you should be able to come out with some excellent results.
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

I like the Canon Scanners. I've had real good luck with them. I have an LiDE 60 right now. No external power supply, USB2, flexible lid hinge system.
No light for transparency in that model.
The price they have on the website is the street price for most of the models, and excellent support.
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Dear D_Max,

I have worked as “in-house” Scanner technician for Creo-Scitex.

I did plenty of upgrades from Eversmart Pro – to Eversmart Pro II (one of the most productive and reliable type of scanner on the market IMHO).

You do not need to spend a “ bundle” on the new scanner.

What you ,probably, need is to put in compliance OS of your computer with oXYgen scanning software and right type of firewire/scsi converter.

contact me, please at [email protected]
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Finding appropriate flatbed scanners is a challenge. We recently settled on purchasing an Epson 1000XL, we are awaiting it to be ordered.

Our number one criteria in choosing a flatbed scanner was wether it could scan tabloid sized originals. what drives me crazy is i have to pay for the dual functionality, we really do not need it to scan transparencies because we already have a medium format film scanner in-house. Unfortunately the only other large format flatbed scanner available out there is the Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL, and it turned out to be one of the worst scanners we have ever owned.
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

What was the problem with you Microtek ScanMaker 9800XL, We own one and I have just gotten back into scannig department. My guys couldn't get it to scan transparencies worth anything. Now the bulb is gone and they don't do replacements. I was going to try and fix and see if I could do any better, but so far from what I see it isn't worth it.
We are looking to get a flatbed that our operators can use to scan transparences in an emergency if our 3800 operators are out.

Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Yes, the Microtek was junk. We had ours repaired three times 'under warranty' before I scrapped it.
I replaced it with a UMAX 2100XL, which is still connected, some 6+ years later, to a Beige G3; awaiting its three jobs a year usage.
We rolled the Hell drum scanner out the door late in 2001.
BTW, I think the scanner that gave the 'prettiest picture' was the Screen Sg701, late 70's, early 80s. More knobs than the Space Shuttle, too!
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

ccd looked like it was dying a slow death just 3 month after we got it, lots of noise and streaks that ran the length of the bed, which got progressively worse.

In the end it started to emit that burned electronics and plastic smell so we unplugged it, tossed it into the parking lot, ran over it with a truck then set fire to it.... oh wait that's what I +wanted+ to do to it.
Re: OK..gotta buy a scanner

Thanks, that is exactally what happened to ours. The prepress guys were complaining about the funny burning smell. It took a while to figure that it was the scanner. We shut it down and that was all it wrote. I am presently working with Kodak to test out three of their scanners. We will see.



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