Re: PDF or EPS from Quark7
I set output as CMYK + Spot, and export PDF for Adobe to distill through Watched folder.
Make a new folder on your desktop or where you want to have the Distiller Watched folder. Name it something you want to. I name mine 'Distilled PDFs' and put it on my Work partition.
I duplicate the PDF/X-1a joboptions in Distiller, and uncheck 'Allow PostScript file to override Adobe PDF Settings' in Advanced tab. Also uncheck 'Subset embedded fonts...' in Fonts tab if you may be editing the type in the PDF later on. Save joboptions as your name you want.
Go to Settings menu > Watched folders. There Add a new Watched folder, choose the folder that you made 'Distilled PDFs'. (Note: Distiller makes two folders in that folder - one named 'In' and one named 'Out'). Load the joboptions file you just made. Click OK. Now you have a Watched folder for Distiller.
Set Quark 7 preferences > PDF to make PostScript for later Distilling. Choose the 'In' folder of your Distiller Watched folder.
Create a new Output Style in Quark 7 (I recommend staying up-to-date with Quark 7, now at 7.3). Name your PDF Style. I set my Verification to PDF/X-1a: 2001. HyperLinks: Uncheck Include Hyperlinks. Compression: None, and Keep Resolution. Color: Composite CMYK and Spot. Marks: Mode: Centered, Width: .003, Length: .333, Offset .167 (This is how I get exactly .5" all the way around trim/my page centered in the "trim plus 1 inch" of width and height). Bleed: Symmetric .167 (so always have at least 1/8 inch as long as it's there in the art), Clip at Bleed Edge. Transparency: Set my resolution to 300 across the board. OPI: uncheck OPI active. JDF: Uncheck Output JDF (unless you're using JDF). Click OK.
Now when you need to export a PDF from Quark 7, just make sure Distiller is running, and in Quark 7, go File menu > Export > Layout to PDF. A window will pop up and the default folder should be the 'In' folder of the Distiller Watched folder. For PDF Style, choose your PDF style you made. Click OK. When the PDF is done being created, then it can be dropped on your rip hotfolder.
The one thing I've noticed is that Quark, even if you set the output to CMYK, will only convert the Spot colors inside Quark to CMYK. The Spots made outside Quark will remain as Spots in the PDF. I take care if this by letting my rip use the Alternate CMYK values of the Spot color in the PDF to make my output CMYK only with no Spots if needed.