PDF Spread Automation


New member
Hi-Checking to see if anyone is using Asura, Amendo or Acrobat for merging two PDF spreads (split form a newspaper double truck size) back into a single PDF size. I am not looking to merge two or more PDF files into one doc with multiple pages. Have customer who sometimes has a situation where they need to submit 2 doubles but the printers pair needs to be swapped around. I know Asura can crop and split PDF files, but looking to piece them back together without manual intervention using InDesign. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi-Checking to see if anyone is using Asura, Amendo or Acrobat for merging two PDF spreads (split form a newspaper double truck size) back into a single PDF size. I am not looking to merge two or more PDF files into one doc with multiple pages. Have customer who sometimes has a situation where they need to submit 2 doubles but the printers pair needs to be swapped around. I know Asura can crop and split PDF files, but looking to piece them back together without manual intervention using InDesign. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
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