photoshop info sheet


We get a lot of uploads that I print out and pass along to other departments.
Is there software or a plug-in for photoshop that will list: the type of image, DPI, cmyk-rgb-etc, size (dimensions) etc. on the printout?

I am a little tired of writing detailed information by hand on all uploaded images so the other departments can fill out their paperwork.

Not sure how to do it in Photshop but you can place multiple images in Indesign using the image grid tool.
You can then use the static or live caption tool to add captions to the images.
The caption options will give you access to all the metadata in the image and you can also format the layout.
I did see an option to create a contact sheet with meta data in Indesign from Bridge but I don't see this in CS6.
If you're on Mac platform, you can use the following script that will first prompt you to choose an image, then the script will instruct Photoshop to open it, gather some info, close the image and set your Clipboard to the info. All you have to do is "Paste" the info in a text document or anything you can paste text in. Copy and paste the following code in "AppleScript Editor", compile then run. Hope it helps:

set my_file to choose file
tell application "Finder" to set imagename to (get name of my_file)
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1"
open file (my_file as string)
get properties of document imagename
tell document imagename
set my_mode to mode as string
set my_bitsperchannel to bits per channel as string
set my_width to width as string
set my_height to height as string
set my_resolution to resolution as string
set my_channels to count every channel
set my_layers to count every layer
end tell
close document imagename saving no
set my_report to "Image name: " & imagename & return & "Color Mode: " & my_mode & return & "Bits per channel: " & my_bitsperchannel & return & "Width: " & my_width & return & "Height: " & my_height & return & "Resolution: " & my_resolution & return & "Channel count: " & my_channels & return & "Layer count: " & my_layers & return & return
end tell
set the clipboard to my_report
on error
tell me to display dialog "An error occured while processing file " & imagename
set the clipboard to "An error occured while processing file " & imagename & return & return
end try
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Adobe Bridge actually has a nice view which shows all the info you're looking at. Unfortunately, it doesn't let you print this view in CS4. I'll check a CS6 machine later today to see if there are any new features.



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