• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Plate Cylinder Packing

The Blanket wash leaves a thin film behind that the glue doesn't stick to well when Alcohol doesn't.

I think that's how I remember understanding it. These day's I've forgotten more than I know. Guess that means
I'm getting old and sounding like my old boss that trained me.
I used to run an Urbanite. A little bigger but basically the same press. We also used .006 mylar. To avoid slipping we would bend the lead edge and place underneath the plate clamps. Of course if you do this you may have to redo all your registration settings.
Really? Not sure about a Community, but the Urbanite I used to work was bearerless. Iron to Iron was set completely packless, no blanket packings, no plate packing, which worked fine for newspapers.

The MAN Roland Rotoman I ran was set up for .006 plate packings and we used stick on mylar and the press constanly cracked tail edges of plates because of the hard edge on the mylar. Running paper packings completelt eliminated that. That might not be an issue for an Urbanite because of the double circumferential plate cylinders, the plates and packings don't bend as far as they would on a single plate cylinder. If it were up to me I think I'd try to get the plate packings down to .004 ona a little cylinder and use Permapaks


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