Prinect Server/Cockpit - Not enough memory Page::autoTrap!


Well-known member
I've got a particularly nasty file that won't come out of InDesign to PDF correctly unless I use PDFX/1a export. When I tried to prepare it in the cockpit the first time it exceeded my standard trap limits of 10,000 objects, 10MB (It has ~ 26,000). So, as I usually due in this scenario I bumped the limits to 50,000 objects, 50MB. I now get the error "Not enough memory: Page::autoTrap!"

I do not have a license for the Trap Editor: Automatic Trapping in the PDF toolbox. Otherwise I would have attempted to utilize it.

Export as Image

Export as Image


those PDFs with lot's of elements cannot be trapped. What about exporting such a page as High-Res Image from Acrobat and creating a new PDF with JPEG2000 image inside?
I ended up modifying the artwork with some flattening and rasterization before creating the PDF.
I thought PDF toolbox was a complete software package, did you need to buy Trap Editor separate? are you running PDF toolbox v10?
I ended up modifying the artwork with some flattening and rasterization before creating the PDF.

This allowed the trapping to be preformed. Not trapping a job isn't really an option. I sure the press operators would paint a bullseye on me. Especially if I gave them work with CMYK + Multiple Spots not trapped at all.

Different licensing models open up different features.


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