Re: solid black eps changes to 4 color black when distilled
Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I work at a small community publisher and I want our quality to be as good as it can, but this is difficult because no one here is trained in graphic arts so we end up with a lot of user errors. Our printer is struggling to understand color management, so I am really left on my own and have no one I can ask questions of. Anyway, thank you.
> Your settings in Distiller may be changing the CMYK values (possibly because the embedded profile is being seen, used and converted to the CMYK profile used in the joboptions, in which case you would get 4C blacks, because Convert = numbers change to keep appearance).
Ok, The job options have none selected under Adobe color settings and under color management policies, leave color unchanged and preserve rendering intent are selected. Are these the best options for maintaining consistent values?
> Or the problem may be in Acrobat. If it sees/uses the embedded (different/custom) profile and you view output to another CMYK device (like the default SWOP profile), then Acrobat is telling you in Separation Preview that it will convert your numbers on output to the SWOP profile to keep intended appearance (even if you have CMYK color management policy set to Off, in which case Acrobat would be lying to you, and in this case I place the PDF in InDesign to see the truth).
So, is there anyway to view "the truth" in acrobat, or should that be done in InDesign? I am not familiar with InDesign and its capabilities. I would like to use it, but our printer seems resistant. They claim there are problems at the RIP with transparencies and trapping.
> That is why I recommended to make a custom color settings that has the CMYK color management Policy to Off, and making that the color settings file used in all programs. This way you know CMYK profiles are ignored and CMYK numbers are honored and are not changing. Simple. Or you could not embed the custom profile when saving out of Photoshop. Also simple. If you do the first recommendation, it will take care of all situations (never have to worry on any job if the CMYK numbers are going to change, because they won't). If you do the second recommendation, it just takes care of that one image (which will fix this one situation, but I recommend the first approach - settings so you can use to know no CMYK numbers are changing at any time on any job, without you manually doing it).
I am sorry if this question is really dumb, but why would you want color management off? If I am understanding you correctly, if the color management policy in every app is set to off, then you would want to embed your profiles. So that file will now always maintain consistent cmyk values. If this is true, then that sounds great.
Again, thank you for your help.
As far as changing values in illustrator, I will have to figure that out. I do not know much about illustrator, but I should.