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staffing companies


New member
Hi I am new to Print Planet so I’m not sure if this the right place to post this. Anyway my question is are there any staffing companies that cater specifically to graphic design and printing companies? The only companies I’ve heard of so far are Aquent, Print Link, and The Creative Group. Thank you for your help.
Re: staffing companies


are the only print related job sites that I know of.
Re: staffing companies

If you're looking for a job, you might try PIA, depending on the region.

If you're looking to hire using a staffing agency, maybe there's a headhunter lurking on the site.

Re: staffing companies


Try these links:

Go on CareerBuilder, HotJobs or Monster and look up print jobs. Take note of the recruiters or recruiting companies that are posting, and send them your resume.

I have not had any luck with PrintLink, meaning that they don't even take the time to respond at all when I have asked about jobs on their site. Also, lots of the positions on there are a year old or more.

Good luck!
"Lurking" Recruiter

"Lurking" Recruiter

I joined Print Planet about 20 minutes ago. My company has a focus in the printing industry, we primarily place sales and marketing positions. Having said that, we are always ready to help anyone that we can. We may be able to suggest ideas if we don't have a position that fits. Contact [email protected]
AHopkins, I am fairly new to Print Planet as well. I am a recruiter in the Portland, OR area and although we/I don't focus on the printing industry specifically, we do work on a number of commercial printing and packaging type positions. For example, a position I am working on right now is for a printing manager position for a company in NW Portland. Feel free to get a hold of me if that sparks any interest, thanks. Look forward to contact.

(503) 612-2048
[email protected]


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