Well-known member
So I have a fun problem this week.
The short: Anyone have any success getting a Suprasetter A75 to feed and run plates larger than 760mm wide on slowscan?
The full explanation:
We just installed a new-to-us Heidelberg Suprasetter A75.
Somehow, both the owner and the sales guy missed that it's max width plate is 760mm.
Our big plates are 775mm. This is definitely a SMDH moment.
Fought with it all weekend, I found in the service settings in the GUI where to change the max width. It even says for that setting that you can go up to 800mm.
I measured everything in the feedpath that I could reach, and it all measures PLENTY wide.
There's even vacuum channels on the drum that measure at 780mm to the outer edge of the channels. So everything looks like it SHOULD work. Except for one part that we don't even need anyways.
This set-up came from a shop that had processed plates. We run processless, so don't need any of the post process conveyors or processor. The exit conveyor rollers measure at approx 765mm wide. so there's the sticking point.
It appears that the machine would eject the plates into our gravity catcher just fine without the conveyor, but when they did the install, they said the machine won't run without the conveyor (this from Heidelberg).
So I guess I'm looking for help for two things.
1. How to get the plate burner to function without having the exit conveyor.
2. How to get the settings for the wider plate to work.
I do have the password to get into both the service and the R&D modes to change the parameters.
I have tried all the obvious settings I can find, so I'm hoping someone out there might know what not-so-obvious settings I'm missing.
I also did try to call Heidelberg support and got the expected, "Nope. Specs say it can't, so it just can't."
Even after I pointed out that I found the settings that let me change the max slowscan width to up to 800, hoping maybe to prod them into helping me figure this out. No joy.
Thank you for reading, your help if you have it, or your commiseration if you don't.

The short: Anyone have any success getting a Suprasetter A75 to feed and run plates larger than 760mm wide on slowscan?
The full explanation:
We just installed a new-to-us Heidelberg Suprasetter A75.
Somehow, both the owner and the sales guy missed that it's max width plate is 760mm.
Our big plates are 775mm. This is definitely a SMDH moment.
Fought with it all weekend, I found in the service settings in the GUI where to change the max width. It even says for that setting that you can go up to 800mm.
I measured everything in the feedpath that I could reach, and it all measures PLENTY wide.
There's even vacuum channels on the drum that measure at 780mm to the outer edge of the channels. So everything looks like it SHOULD work. Except for one part that we don't even need anyways.
This set-up came from a shop that had processed plates. We run processless, so don't need any of the post process conveyors or processor. The exit conveyor rollers measure at approx 765mm wide. so there's the sticking point.
It appears that the machine would eject the plates into our gravity catcher just fine without the conveyor, but when they did the install, they said the machine won't run without the conveyor (this from Heidelberg).
So I guess I'm looking for help for two things.
1. How to get the plate burner to function without having the exit conveyor.
2. How to get the settings for the wider plate to work.
I do have the password to get into both the service and the R&D modes to change the parameters.
I have tried all the obvious settings I can find, so I'm hoping someone out there might know what not-so-obvious settings I'm missing.
I also did try to call Heidelberg support and got the expected, "Nope. Specs say it can't, so it just can't."
Even after I pointed out that I found the settings that let me change the max slowscan width to up to 800, hoping maybe to prod them into helping me figure this out. No joy.
Thank you for reading, your help if you have it, or your commiseration if you don't.