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templates conversion


Hi, my company has bee using puzzleFlow pdf organizer for a long time but soon it might migrate to another imposition software. How would I convert the templates from PDF ORGANIZER (in pdp extension) to a another form: tpl extension, so that I may use the old templates in a new software? Is there a workaround for this? Thanks.
If under another imposition software you mean kodak preps then the answer is you can't do it
thank you for your very fast and helpful reply; the new software is indeed kodak preps, but what if the new imposition software would have been something other than kodat preps, would it work then? what other imposition software might work with the pdp files of puzzleFlow? that might help me find a workaround.
You might want to post a sample file or files. If Puzzleflow had any export capabilities like JDF they would be worth adding as well. But I would think it would be a bit of a long shot.
but what if the new imposition software would have been something other than kodat preps, would it work then?
Template files from different software are all proprietary file formats with no specification whatsoever.
You can find specification for preps tpl (frazer file formats) and see that it bound tightly with creo's ps libraries


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