After control wedge on the plate is exposed and developed, you have to look at the result for your judgement:
some steps should be solid, some wipped off and some "partly damaged" or "foggy".
If dwell time is too much (or brush-rollers pressure is too high, or brush speed is too high), you will remove all "foggy" wedge steps.
So, how you will make your judgement?
So, extra dwell time will not only decrease the printing elements size (dimension), but a thikness of emulsion layer.
You will get a shorter plate run on the press and blinding, small % dot loss.
My advice: keep the processor parameters stable and within recommended min/max threshold.
Vary only variable parameters (ligh time or exposure) to get the result as predictable.
I hope Gordon Pritchard gonna drop his "5 cents" when he will find a few minutes during or after Canada long weekend