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Vistaprint=Top trade printer?


Print Professional magazine declares

vistaprint #1 Trade Printer.

690 million in sales and 30% increase over 2009.

looks like the gorilla is coming after everyone:confused:.

im confused by the term" Trade".
if they sell to everyone; how is that considered "Trade?"
I agree they are not a "trade" and if one our trade magazines deem them so then the editors of the magazine need a serious come to Jesus meeting to get their facts straight. Vista Print is a wonderful thing if you don't mind the devaluation of our "trade" and the business of all of the quick printers going elsewhere. I think if your a trade printer and sale to the general public you should be ran out of business. Otherwise your are not a trade printer and fall in the category of commercial printer.
TV Ad...

TV Ad...

Last night on Fox they ran a Vista print commercial, I thought everyone was getting rich with adwords these days, but maybe traditional ad methods are making a comeback? and it is kind of weird to see a national commercial for $10 business cards, fine print says free 21 day shipping, seems like a long time to wait for cheap cards?
TV commercials are still ranked number one where advertising dollars are being spent. Internet ads have grown but it's hurting print more (magazines, newspapers).

Here in the United Kingdom some clients are complaining that they have been signed up to a subscription discount scheme which debits £9.95 per month out of their bank account.

The complaint is that they were not made sufficiently aware of this fact when ordering a set of free or low priced business cards.

You can google it if you wish...
Yeah there has been a lawsuit against them for sometime for this same very reason. Think about how many people dont catch that they are debiting a few dollars each month for some "program" that they didnt know they signed up for.
I refuse to use Vista Print, 4 Over and the such. When a walk-in person comes in my shop and wants that kinda of printing I direct them to the nearest Kinkos (oops Fedex Office) center or some shop that uses them as there best bet--let them kill them selves for $10 bucks.

If they want to use me 1000 4/4 business cards off the Canon is much more then $10.


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