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Vutek QS2pro, GS2000


New member
Hi to everyone.

We are currently working with Oce 350xt, which is basically turning too slow for us. We print approximately 1200-1300 squaremeters in a month (yes, i'm from northern europe, so it is about 11700 sqrft.).
Some months are very busy, when we do about 25000 sqrft, and we are growing every month, so we have to find new machine to be faster. We are not going to throw away the Arizona, we are just buying something next to it.

Last week we were discussing our local dealer about Vuteks. Apparently the wider models are way too expensive and too wide for us, so we are currently calculating the smaller ones.
Basically i'm asking from you, that what is the normal speed that you are running with these smaller Vuteks. Are you able to print solid black, or gray on kapa board () with these speeding 300 sqrft/h?

Please, if you can tell me anything about these two Vuteks, I would be glad to hear. If someone can also tell me what is the biggest differences printing with Arizona and Vutek. I don't mean technical things, more like everyday practical things, printing issues, material issues etc.

Thanks in advance, I hope that you understood what I wrote. English is not even my second language, so there might be few words wrong :)


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