Well-known member

Even in the best of times, budgets for travel and trade show attendance are tighter than an over torqued press blanket. If you are wanting to attend Print 09 in Chicago but can't – let me be your stand-in. Rather than reading generic reports in the media covering topics that you're not interested in, I'll go after the information you want to get. I'll visit the vendors whose products you're interested in and get answers to the questions you want to ask. I'll report back to you using a combination of words, still images and video, as required.
Remember, Print 09 is just a couple of months away, so contact me soon before my time at the show gets fully booked.
Email me with your particulars at pritchardgordon (@) gmail (dot) com
And if you don't know who I am, check out my blog: Quality In Print
best, gordon p
(Posted with the permission of the Administrator Cory Smith)