Well-known member
This may or may not have anything to do with RAMpage so I will just tell you what happened and get your opinions. Yesterday I received a hack pdf from a client. I was going to just RIP it in Rampage and go with it but I noticed that it had no bleed. I decided to open it up in Photshop and scale the background image a bit. When I opened it it had several layers. So me thinks that it must have been made in Photoshop to begin with. Anyway, other than missing fonts the whole thing was in RGB. So after I got the file looking like I wanted I converted it to CMYK and saved it as a TIFF and popped it into indesign. Then I exported it as a PDF again and registered it in RAMpage. It looked acceptable enough, so I proceeded to impose it in preps and printed that file back to RAMpage. Then I registered the imposition as usual. Now all I had to do was proof the thing and here is where everything went goofy. I sent the file to the epson printer. When it started printing there was no black!!! I figured the print head was dirty. After all its a brand new epson, it must be filthy....LOL.!! So I ran a cleaning cycle and printed again....still no black. Meanwhile other proofs from other workstations are coming in fine and printing just fine. I ran a low res on our old 43wide and it looked fine. All the values on screen look fine and there is definitely black in it. Its CMYK. The res is 300. I cant understand if its loosing the black channel on the way to the epson or if RAMpage is not happy with the file. I decided to try and run a Kodak Approval before I walked out for the night. I will have to wait till tomorrow to see how that turned out. Anyone else have a similar experience????
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