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Xante Envelope Vs. Riso HC5500


Well-known member
Our digital print shop is looking to develop or mailing services. We are looking for a printer to do variable printing but also interest in being able to do odd and small size full color printing. We would like to avoid having to send color envelopes to an offset printer.

We probably be running around 10-20k per month to start with a large job every qtr of maybe 100k. We would be growing the business so we want something that can handle 100k+ per month without a problem. On average our current mailers are about 3k pieces so something that can RIP the data quickly is important and again that would grow to a larger number in time.

The Riso with the RIP is about $43K, and getting told about .022/envelope ($430/Ink Bottle - 75,000 envelopes per bottle) - These prices were told to me by a reseller, so take with a grain of salt.

I'm told the Xante is $20k, and about the same consumable cost (from research here)- but does the sticker price include the feed tray and conveyor belt that is shown in all the marketing or is that extra, does it need a RIP at additional cost?

The quality samples we saw on the Riso were horrible and looked like a low end home inkjet printer would give better quality. I would think the laser Xante would give much better image quality.

What would be some advantages of one over the other besides not being able to re-run Xante products through a fuser because that’s not a concern for us.

I'm open to other equipment also.

In my opinion the Riso is less than steller in the quality of print department. The output I observed would be fine UNLESS you are print for pay. I didn't see a sell-able print come off the machine while I saw it running. But for an office or in-plant it would be fine.

I had high hopes too, I would like to have used it for letterhead/envelope's as well.
Yes I am print for pay with a similar setup as you I believe, 8000AP and some Nuvera's. We are trying like many digital printers to do more 1:1 marketing and VP which without being able to inkjet envelopes is a hard task. The idea that we could do full color logo'd envelopes would be a great added bonus. Anything about the Xante? I'm not hearing many good things about it either from other print shop owners as far as quality goes for a Print-4-Pay application.

The other option would to be save the cash and buy just an ink jetter for a fraction of the cost and wait for the technology to improve. Thoughts anyone?
I do not own a Riso or work for them. I do own a Xante but I don't work for them.

The Riso was one of my first contenders for a new machine when I started my research a year and half ago. I love the concept of an inkjet press because I think that is how digital will compete on volume with offset. It has a ways to go. I do agree with Craig but with the right clients, it could make it as a secondary machine in a print-for-pay. With the drawbacks being its limited stock selection (can't do coated) and quality, I think it would do "junk jobs" really well. As long as ink coverage was under 30%. I had high hopes too...

Now the Xante- the sticker price does include "...everything you see here!". It is much cheaper than the Riso, not as fast, but it "can" do coated. I do not have the envelope model but I do run envelopes on mine a lot as well as letterhead (see other threads). More than the Riso, when you go over 30% coverage, it will cost you a FORTUNE. It is a GREAT machine when it decides to work, or you are a new business (I bought the base model 3 years ago for $7500). I still use mine because it will do things that my new Xerox (it runs like a dream Craig!) can't do. I can print a Park Avenue 4 bar (I think it's 4"x5") panel card and matching envelopes in color for less than a few pennies each.

arossetti, I have a cool little ink coverage calculator for my Mac. I think I bought it from someone off this forum. If you'd like, you can send me some files and the cost of consumables, I can send you the ink coverage report. I can even send you some print samples from my Xante so you can see real world results. Do not hesitate to contact me offline!

Xerox Cult Initiate- "I heard the Kool-Aid is great!"
Oh, I forgot a couple things-

My desktop Epson Stylus RX595 has far better quality than the Riso inkjet (God is going to strike me down!) I have printed a couple of business card orders on there with excellent results. Although, it was slow and cost a fortune. A couple times when my Xante was not cooperating, I printed a couple of envelope orders on that Epson! That did not cost a fortune, but it was slowwwww. Which wasn't bad for only 200 envelopes.

Riso has recently new inkjet MFPs. They use the same engine as the HC5500 but you have more choices and they cost A LITTLE BIT less. I am thinking about one of them in the future because they can handle up to 400gsm with an the optional feeder unit! And the inkjet machine can easliy handle window envelopes. Xante says theirs can, but I think that is a "special" window envelope. You CANNOT send a window envelope through a fuser, you'll have to use an open face window envelope.

Xante- better quality, more stock choices, expensive to run, questionable reliability.

Riso (again, I do not own one so this is what I THINK)- better speed, more reliability (inkjets have fewer moving parts and no heat, use a lot less electricity so probably costs less to operate), they have improved stock choices since the release of the new MFPs, poor quality for SOME application, can easily run window envelopes.

arossetti, please do not hesitate to call me on Monday. I would be happy to tell you the good AND the bad about the Xante. I also know of an EXCELLENT dealer.

I will call your shop on Monday - from a previous post I saw the dealer you speak of and will give him a call when I get closer to decision time.

I'm only 3.5hrs from Mobile so a trip will probably be in the future. Any thoughts on the PSI envelope printer?


I own the PSI Envelope 'Press' built on the Okidata 3650 engine (same as Xante). You can run window envelopes, but they have to be glassine (Like very thin wax paper).

Contact me: djm at novadirect dot com if you want to pick my brain.

Another option to printing envelopes - HQ - PSI

Another option to printing envelopes - HQ - PSI

PSI Engineering offers a more production style of envelope printing with high quality output. They offer a press style of feeding system where you load and remove product on the fly. They also provide a fiery controller that allows you to color match your output, hot folders and the usual benefits of a Fiery. Worth while to check out. They have many installations in North America: Full Color Laser Envelope Printer | Laser Envelope Printer | PSI
Digital Envelope Printing

Digital Envelope Printing

Does anybody that have a straight shooter feeder with 9650. Want to here from a shop that has experienced these 2 together. It seems this would be alot less expensive vs psi or xante.
We looked at Xante and have decided to put in a Straight shooter feeder with a Oki 9650. Will save us a fortune in consumables and we already have a conveyor off of one of our old envelope presses. Xante wanted $16,500.00 for the system. Basically getting the same system for under $10,000. Plus, huge savings on consumables. And the envelope feeder is hands down a better system than Xantes feeder. Will let you know in a few weeks how it is working but in talking to other printers that have the same setup, we are excited to get this in and operational. We have a Heidelberg QMDI 4 color press that we run our large runs of envelopes on but this will sure be nice for those 2500 or less runs of full color envelopes.
We watched a demo at Print 09 and it was impressive. I was a little concerned with friction feed because we have a Thompson friction feeder and it doesnt work most of the time, but it seemed to handle all the stock put thru it.
Intec due to release an envelope press unit

Intec due to release an envelope press unit

Hello everyone,

First of all, I will disclose to all of you that I work for Intec–but I have previously worked for Xanté as a product specialist and field engineer for the last 8 years. I have had experience with both the Xanté and PSI envelope units and hope that you will include our new Intec model in your search for the best envelope printer for your needs and budget.

Second, in regards to the questions asked regarding Riso and Xanté, I can only comment from my personal experience with the Xanté and PSI products. There are three basic differences between our unit and the two already on the market:

1 - The Intec envelope unit will consist of a much smaller footprint and be at a lower price point. Both the Xanté and PSI units consist of large conveyer belt systems and bulky external items. The Intec input/output will be streamlined to account for shops where space is at a premium... especially in those shops where I have worked on equipment located in a hallways, tiny old darkrooms or even converted closets and baths!

2 - Intec will also offer more input/output options to customise the unit for your individual business needs (i.e., we will offer a envelope CP2020 model that can be purchased with or without the Compose RIP option).

3 - Since all three units use the same base engine–the speed, quality and media specifications are virtually the same–but upon closer inspection, the Intec CP2020 already supports lower media weights than the Xanté Ilumina and has the ability to print on a wider range of medias (i.e., NCR and polyester plates)

Currently our distribution is primarily in the European markets but we will be expanding distribution into the Americas and Asia later this year. As a sidenote, if you, or anyone you know, are interested in being a distributor of our Intec units, please contact us or send me a message.

Good luck in your search!
Ann (Rohling) Wilkes
Product Development Manager
Intec Printing Solutions, Poole UK
Intec Printers
How did this turn out?

How did this turn out?

Happyprinter, I sent you a "befriend" request because I wanted to see how the OKi printer is working- please share!
I have about 700k clicks on the color PSI box ("Lasermail 3650") and would be happy to share my experience with anyone that is interested, feel free to PM or email me.

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