I have a simple form with a small 10% grayscale image behind some of the black type.
This is a 3-up duplexed job on 8.5x11. When I run wide the 10% screen looks worse on the far side of the output. All the grayscale image looks darker around the edges and lighter or missing toward the center of those images. All the 100% black images are very sharp and smooth.
I'm using 80# uncoated digital cover. Fuser is almost brand new, just had developer replaced and just replaced drums. Technician just calibrated the 770.
This is a 3-up duplexed job on 8.5x11. When I run wide the 10% screen looks worse on the far side of the output. All the grayscale image looks darker around the edges and lighter or missing toward the center of those images. All the 100% black images are very sharp and smooth.
I'm using 80# uncoated digital cover. Fuser is almost brand new, just had developer replaced and just replaced drums. Technician just calibrated the 770.