I recently got hired on and basically dropped into place with no training at all since the previous person just up and left. Naturally, he was the one that took care of all this stuff and did not teach anyone else the ropes so when he left the knowledge left.
We use XMPie to add serial numbers to coupons. Is there an online source that I can go to to learn how to do this using this program? Please bear in mind that I have NEVER done any VDP work at all. It's all foreign to me and the user manual is, well... problematic.
The main problem I have is that the coupons print 12 to a sheet and they want them to number top to bottom then left to right, so that they can cut and stack them and they will be in sequence. (ie. top sheet from left to right are numbered 001, 251, 501.. etc. second sheet = 2, 252, 502... etc)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We use XMPie to add serial numbers to coupons. Is there an online source that I can go to to learn how to do this using this program? Please bear in mind that I have NEVER done any VDP work at all. It's all foreign to me and the user manual is, well... problematic.
The main problem I have is that the coupons print 12 to a sheet and they want them to number top to bottom then left to right, so that they can cut and stack them and they will be in sequence. (ie. top sheet from left to right are numbered 001, 251, 501.. etc. second sheet = 2, 252, 502... etc)
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.