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  1. abc

    Does flattening a transparency affect type?

    Good plan but please read the instructions on the Output Suite. It can be very useful, but you should know what it is for, and what it is not for!
  2. abc

    Does flattening a transparency affect type?

    It should depend if the type is part of the transparency group, you should be able to see that in Acrobat if you open the Flattener preview and ask it to highlight 'all affected objects'. If the text is knocking out then it probably is part of it.
  3. abc

    Anyone still using a Postscript workflow?

    Woe, did that tech arrive with his software on Syquest disks? I can't think of any reason why anybody would want to use Postscript, not even Michael J Fox!! PDF is definitely the way to go, you would be so slow and uncompetitive if you went with Postscript, and so many PDF features are not...
  4. abc

    Honor scale on PDF import

    I think the takeaway for you here is that that Page Scaling flag is probably applied by the originating design application when you exported the PDF. I think Adobe Illustrator does that by default? (I stand to be corrected). The approach would be to design within the 200x200 inch limit, and then...
  5. abc

    Honor scale on PDF import

    Yep, you have a Page Scaling factor of 10 in this PDF, that's where the issue comes from.
  6. abc

    Honor scale on PDF import

    How big was the original PDF? The PDF specification has a size limit of 200 x 200 inches, but there is a technique called 'user units' or page scaling to make the document larger. What application generated the original PDF?
  7. abc

    PRINTING United Expo-2022 Overwhelmingly Exceeded Expectations

    Linkedin had pretty good coverage, depending on who your contacts were. Almost real time. Was a really great show for us and most people I spoke to. Inkish and whattheythink did a great job, so i'm not sure the 'dinosaur; thing is correct, I think the website is probably the wrong media to look...
  8. abc

    PitStop vs pdfToolbox

    Desktop/Plugin or Server versions?
  9. abc

    Quite a Box of Tricks plugin grayscale profile

    Why don’t you ask them? Quite Software is still in business
  10. abc

    Printing from PDF to PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (separations)

    I think if the OP wants separations, and wants to go the Postscript route you can still print to separations if you select postscript output (very last century, but if needs must). Then distill that to a PDF, each separation would be a separate page in the PDF, and just delete the ones you don't...
  11. abc

    Printing from PDF to PDF in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (separations)

    So to clarify. You're deselecting layers, and then printing that to a new PDF file? Why don't you just deselect the layers and then do a 'Save as" and make a new PDF without the hassle of printing? You would get a file that would work I think (dependent on your next processes). I've not tried...
  12. abc

    Acrobat & Quite a Box of Tricks Color Settings on a PC

    In addition I forgot to mention, this profile generates a PDF/X-4 file. If you want to retain that you should probably add the 'Photoshop 5 Default CMYK' Profile as the Output Intent.
  13. abc

    Acrobat & Quite a Box of Tricks Color Settings on a PC

    You won't be able to use the Microsoft ICM, that's not available. You'll have to use the Little CMS CMM I would suggest you look at the 'Just make my Office PDF work! - CMYK ISO Coated v2' Preflight profile. Copy it and change the destination profile in the Color Management settings so your...
  14. abc

    Looking for a modern "basic" Workflow.

    For the record, development of the PDF format for over a decade (since 2008) has been driven by ISO and not Adobe.
  15. abc

    XMF - Flatten PDF for Digital KM1 inkjet press

    If you want to test your rip properly and see what PDF features are working and which need better configuration, download and rip this test suite. Then you will know where your problems are.
  16. abc

    XMF - Flatten PDF for Digital KM1 inkjet press

    I'm pretty sure the KM1 has a reasonably current rip that should handle transparency in-rip. Why do you think it can't handle transparency?
  17. abc

    RIP sees and outputs the elements and space surrounding Cropped-Areas of PDF: Any way to make the RIP honor a cropped PDF?

    Just edit your PDF so that the Media Box (and other boxes) are the same size as the Crop Box. I'm assuming you have Acrobat Pro already as a minimum if you are working with PDF.
  18. abc

    Still Fighting Some Actions

    You should probably post that question on Enfocus Community - Community index That's the best place for Switch feedback.
  19. abc

    Still Fighting Some Actions

    What does your look like? Are you selecting pages like @prepressdork suggested?
  20. abc

    Still Fighting Some Actions

    You don't actually need it here as you are pasting forward. Split Action list is when you need to past backwards, ie last page to first page.


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