Search results

  1. Simon Ivarsson

    Nexus 8.1 Manager New Process curve but fail on Spot Colours

    Im a former esko guy, but I never used Symphony. But, with a simple google search I found a manual for Symphony. On page 2: • Angles (selected by default when you activate the drop-down menu), • CMYK (4 color proofer), • CMYKcm (6 color proofer with light Magenta and light Cyan), •...
  2. Simon Ivarsson

    How We Can Enchance Knowledge

    In forums like this
  3. Simon Ivarsson

    white CMYK overprints

    First I would like to clarify on thing. C 0% M 0% Y 0% K 0% is not white. In knockout the substrate will be visible, In overprint it has no effect at all. If such object is found its most defiantly a mistake and should be reported / confirmed with the creator of the file. White is a ink, just...
  4. Simon Ivarsson

    Coca cola label

    All of the above. It depends on the region. Sometimes a combination of conventional and digital.
  5. Simon Ivarsson

    Customer stealing eProof files

    If pre-press was that easy there wouldn't be any need for operators..
  6. Simon Ivarsson

    Customer stealing eProof files

    If you convert the job to an RGB image a Visual representation of the job is created, but none of the prepress work you have done is there. or in short, you create a "picture" of the job
  7. Simon Ivarsson

    Customer stealing eProof files

    Online approval is the answer.
  8. Simon Ivarsson

    How unembed all images in Illustrator

    Does it really extract embedded images and create linked? From your link: "Scoop for Illustrator CS6 • Collect copies of the Fonts used in the document • Collect copies of the linked image files placed in the document
  9. Simon Ivarsson

    How unembed all images in Illustrator

    This is a nice tool, thank you!
  10. Simon Ivarsson

    How unembed all images in Illustrator

    "Image extractor" part of deskpack
  11. Simon Ivarsson

    How unembed all images in Illustrator

    There is a plugin from Esko. Not sure if you can buy that plugin separately now, but here is a link the the user manual: Esko Help Center Ps, I'm former esko
  12. Simon Ivarsson

    How can I add spot color in photoshop?

    Another approach can be to create a grayscale image and colour it later in Illustrator. But this depends on how the image looks like and how the process colours interact with the spot.
  13. Simon Ivarsson

    Esko Artios CAD vs Arden Software

    I have worked with plenty of cad files in Illustrator. And this pdf is as good as any. So im also interested to know whats not good about it.
  14. Simon Ivarsson


    Im just guessing here... Did someone complain that you sent them an image and told you that they want a pdf? Well... saving an image from photoshop won't do any good. Use photoshop for images and Illustrator / indesign for the rest. For single page document, always use Illustrator
  15. Simon Ivarsson

    setup Hot Folders?

    Hot folder setup is normally setup within the workflow software and not in the OS. Maybe this can help: Fiery Hot Folders Console
  16. Simon Ivarsson

    help to Make a packing/box

    Looks like you can modify a standard Fefco 427 for this.
  17. Simon Ivarsson

    Kodak Approval replacement?

    Thank you everyone for your input. Stephen: Yes, there are corporate decisions regarding a lot of things. But I still find Printplanet and your experience extremely valuable.
  18. Simon Ivarsson

    Kodak Approval replacement?

    Im looking for a replacement for the Kodak Approval. We do mostly packaging so the requirements are: Substrate: metallic foil, transparent film Special Ink: Metallic & White Colour accurate Currently we are using Epson 7900 with gmg for normal proofs and Kodak Approval for anything that...


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