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  1. SteveAgfa

    Going Processor-less??? Advice needed

    Rhonda: The plate Pierre is using is Kodak's version of an on-press clean-out plate. Fuji employs a similar approach. Of course being thermal, these would require replacing your platesetter. Before you do that, have all processless/chem-free prospects send you a sample press-ready plate...
  2. SteveAgfa

    Going Processor-less??? Advice needed

    JohnW: Azura V is our violet photopolymer-based chem-free (gum solution only) for commercial applications. Mark from HDM answered the availability of laser upgrades. Regards,
  3. SteveAgfa

    Going Processor-less??? Advice needed

    Hi Rhonda: Your local Agfa agent will have access to the replacement gumming station for you, once the plate is rolled out in your area; its launch is at IPEX in the UK later this month. Had you been an existing violet photopolymer user, a mod kit could have been used with your existing...
  4. SteveAgfa

    Going Processor-less??? Advice needed

    Thanks for the invite, Dan! honda (or is it Rhonda?): Azura TS is our newer, faster thermal-based chem-free plate. I doubt that your laser in your violet engine can be changed to a thermal laser. However, if your existing violet laser is a 30mW or of higher-power, then this bit of news might...
  5. SteveAgfa


    Al: This can all get very confusing, as there are grey areas at play. Yes, there are CTP metal "capstan" devices, but perhaps more accurate, some of these are drive rollers or nip rollers which feed the plate across an imaging slit. With your post to me about the original inquiry - I'm not...
  6. SteveAgfa


    Al: Different designs for different applications. Often, flat-bed and/or capstan-drive CTP devices are found in the newspaper market where hundreds of plates per hour may be the requisite. The load/unload cycle for internal/ external drums can be counter-productive for such high throughput...
  7. SteveAgfa

    Repères d'impression CMJN

    Faites vous voulez avoir quatre pages de la même couleur sur un piece du film et ensuite sur les films ultérieurs, les trois autres couleurs, dans la même position de page? Si oui, il est nécessaire d'utiliser un produit d'imposition. Sans imposition, vous aurez toutes les quatre couleurs...
  8. SteveAgfa

    Repères d'impression CMJN

    Il est nécessaire d'utiliser un produit d'imposition.
  9. SteveAgfa

    Press-Sense Bankrupt?

    Duncan: I've known David for nearly 20 years, and I can attest that he is not a troll. Heck, I don't even think he's Norse! Regards,
  10. SteveAgfa

    Laser Inquiry for Newspaper Production

    Sandpiper: There is another direction - our chem-free photopolymer plate for the newspaper industry - N92-VCF chemistry-free plate. I suspect your existing silver-based system can be switched to N92-VCF, given a 30mW+ laser. Here's a press release for a newspaper show last month, which...
  11. SteveAgfa

    Theory of application: Dot type vs. laser path

    Drexus: With single beam imagers, this was of little concern. However, now that swaths can be 1/2 of an inch wide, this is indeed something to be taken into account. For some applications such as lenticular lenses, there can be a "step" mode. Most often however, the spiral effect is...
  12. SteveAgfa

    AFGA plate substitute

    Murray: Wha? This thread is in the context of Agfa and the Galileo. The Galileo had light baffles containing the beam path, to avoid reflected energy fogging the plates elsewhere. This is a simple case of the initial violet laser diodes used for CTP starting in 2000 were 5mW. This was more...
  13. SteveAgfa

    AFGA plate substitute

    Murray: Are you upgrading his laser with that advice? (smile) I suspect Alex's VS is an original 5mW laser. Regards,
  14. SteveAgfa

    What do Print Buyers think?

    There's an interesting article in WhatTheyThink.com today by Frank Romano who publishes Margie Dana's survey results. Lots'a good reading in that survey. Here's one that stood out for me... Would you follow your favorite print rep to a new firm? Absolutely, without question 6.1% Yes -...
  15. SteveAgfa

    AGFA DryStar 5500

    Vlad: I believe this is the dry thermo-diffusion transfer device - no chemicals. On the earlier models, there were PostScript drivers available - typically native language is Dicom. I suspect the Dmax on this genre device is around 3. It's basically a continuous tone device.
  16. SteveAgfa

    NEED HELP - Fuji PJ plate vs Azura plate

    Alois: Did you ever find a quarry that could finish a cylindrical stone? That thumping of the stone on a rotary press is tiresome! Cheers!
  17. SteveAgfa

    NEED HELP - Fuji PJ plate vs Azura plate

    Hi Murray. Again - too many evaluations are based off of a spec sheet. As you know, often times a spec sheet covers the lowest common denominator. We've had shops do exclusively 20 micron FM screening with Azura. While the spec sheet doesn't rate Azura as such, but, given a run length of...
  18. SteveAgfa

    NEED HELP - Fuji PJ plate vs Azura plate

    londonbob. We prefer to call Azura "chem-free", to denote the difference to "processless" plates which clean-out on press. Even this clean-out on press has a process, as there are several variables before and on press. Part of the goal is to drive-out as many variables as possible, and the...
  19. SteveAgfa

    Please help with info on this older platesetter

    Hi Kevin: It's great to see you as such a violet advocate! My, how time have changed! And yet, with your recent return to visible light, it's easier to dismiss earlier generation technology. In this case, as you are suggesting, as these lasers die with no green replacement, it indeed is a...
  20. SteveAgfa

    Please help with info on this older platesetter

    Kevin: The PlateJet was a great device for its time. However, there are green laser photopolymer plates available that can run on this device, with similar chemistry overhead to your very own violet plate. Regards,


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