• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. Keith

    Regular #10 Envelopes on Xerox 770 or Xerox 1000

    I beg to differ if the 700/770 is anything like my C75. It has the same "lunchbox" style fuser (I like the term "lunchbox" style, never heard it called that before). It is tricky running envelopes. You have to experiment with different weights and construction (of envelope). And brand makes a...
  2. Keith

    My Ricoh 8120 is racest!

    Maybe it should run for president?
  3. Keith

    OSX Sierra upgrade Compatability

    I downloaded it this morning. Going to install at the end of the day after I finish all my design work (in case it explodes) so I should be able to report tomorrow.
  4. Keith

    Neopost prompts US House to act on Postal reform

    Thank you Administrator, for the information and link. I have contacted my representative.
  5. Keith

    Print coverage for pricing jobs - average?

    Years ago when I owned my equipment and did not have a service contract, I would look back a year and add up what I spent in consumables and divide it by the meter count for that same given time frame. It only gives you an average and it would go well with all the other recommendations so far...
  6. Keith

    Need help for purchasing a new car

    I just assumed it was someone with poor English and no clue.
  7. Keith

    Need help for purchasing a new car

    You guys are so mean. But very funny. :D
  8. Keith

    Need help for purchasing a new car

    Um, are you sure you have the right forum? You are certainly in the right section of the forum but this website is about the printing industry, not the auto industry. But we can give you the same advice we give people that are looking for digital presses - what do you need the car for...
  9. Keith

    Suggest a good printer

    C75. Not sure if it's available in you market but it would be overkill for a home printer. As for the Docucolor 1450 you are asking about, I am not familiar with it and I don't know what you mean by 'normal print jobs'.
  10. Keith

    Suggest a good printer

    Generally, yes, Xerox makes a good machine. That's what I use here at my shop just not that particular model. In fact, it looks a little slow at only 14 impressions per minute. Which would suggest it may not be robust enough for a print-for-pay environment. Assuming you are just starting out and...
  11. Keith

    Suggest a good printer

    I think it's really cool, if I could read Cantonese/Chinese. But in all seriousness, we do need to know what applications you need it for to give you a real answer. Are you printing pie charts on 90gsm paper or are you printing magazines for a museum?
  12. Keith

    New to printing!

    Any answer will be wrong or at least just a guess so really, there is no answer. Anyone can say "You need a $150,000 Awesome Printer and it will cost you five cents per click". But if you don't have that kind of money (or credit, as that is usually leased) then the answer is pointless. There are...
  13. Keith

    Device Life Expectancy

    I would say the life expectancy is as long as they produce what you want at a price you can afford. Unless a new machine has a feature you need.
  14. Keith

    New digital presses and contracts: Are 11x17 pages still usually 1 click?

    I just got a quote from Xerox and saw the same thing - 8.5 x 11 click is slightly less than the previous any-size-one-click rate. A large click is now just a fraction of a penny that you add to the new smaller click. But the new click rate for a large is the same as the previous click rate for...
  15. Keith

    Estimator’s Job Interview

    Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! When someone comes in with a crazy order for something you're never done before, it's all you can do sometimes. SWAG.
  16. Keith

    Pricing jobs - one product, multiple versions...

    Yes, that is correct.
  17. Keith

    Pricing jobs - one product, multiple versions...

    Depends. But generally, we bill the total quantity ordered if the paper and size are the same. If one is going on uncoated and the other on coated both items will be charged at full price. If I can't put it on one job ticket... Two sets of rack cards at 500 each hardly adds any prepress time but...
  18. Keith

    Print is Big

    Awesome! I've seen this before and love it.
  19. Keith

    Canon w8400 'prints' but no ink comes out

    Lol! Of course not! I plan on replacing it with an HP Latex.
  20. Keith

    Quick Printers - Walk-ins, turnaround times, rush charges, etc..

    I don't think the question is what products do you do while they wait and what products do you make them come back for. The question is, what is your production capabilities and what do your customers want? You just need to decide how much paper you want to stock and how fast are your machines...


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