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  1. **hansonian**

    Acrobat Preview issues

    We send all our proofs out as PDF/X-1a files (all our proofs are CMYK). So far it's worked for us.
  2. **hansonian**


    "If you are looking at that technology, you would be better off considering the iCTP from Glunz & Jensen." What makes their model better? The best I can tell is their technology is behind the JetPlate machines and they tie you into using their materials. Please educate me on this one. If it...
  3. **hansonian**

    Greatest Rock Album of All Times

    Dead Milkman - Beelzebubba if you don't have it, go out and get it.
  4. **hansonian**

    add bleed or undercut

    i usually add bleed to it.
  5. **hansonian**

    Proof Disclaimers in Electronic Proofs???

    we use something real close to what lammy uses but it never seems to sink into the customers head to actually check the files we send em. there's always 1 customer who misses something and tries to get us to reprint it for free.
  6. **hansonian**

    batch processing

    you could setup a batch process out of acrobat to do this. i don't remember what version that option first appeared. i have ver 8.0 pro and it's under Advanced/Document Processing/Batch Processing and setup one custom to your needs. hopefully this helps you out.


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