• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. M

    Prepress Fun

    Rubylith = smoke bombs
  2. M

    getting working files from graphic designers?

    I would always specifiy the intended desitination for these files (i.e flexo, digital or offset printing) in any PO or request for service from a designer, and in this add a caveat that you may request open files (with packaged fonts) if required for final output...........never ever be tempted...
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    from 1999, Quark XPress Easter Egg - New Bigger Alien to Delete Old Alien (v4.0) 1. Draw a box in center of screen. 2. Leave plenty of room on both sides for action. 3. Press Shift-Option-Command-K to get original alien. 4. Repeat above sequence at least 5 times. 5. The new alien appears...
  4. M

    Pantone....you confuse me

    Not sure is this is deliberate or in error but the 2023 Pantone guide shows same colour different Pantone numbers
  5. M

    Premature Plate Wear

    please share
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    HUV ink

    Any recommendations for HUV ink brands, we are looking at Asian and European ink but would be open to suggestions
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    IML colour management question

    Afternoon What LAB variation can be expected when printing on IML substrates compared to offset paper when using ISO 12746 color management?
  8. M

    The Ink Question

    And dairy free being soy based, i'm sure their Paleo also by definition
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    Push Button Prepress

    My sister's boyfriend's best friends niece put this together in Paint, so all the hard work is done for you.
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    When You Try to Help

    We lost a client over a $150 discrepancy between us and a competitor, this was not a straightforward client and their files required work, often a lot but we got used to it and developed a "system" after so trial and error (which i refused to disclose), their new arrangement didn't work out and...
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    Banding on agfa azura TS plates

    Ask the vendor to image a set of plates through one of their other clients for comparison, with 256 steps per channel available the distance covered and the amount of change from start to finish in any given gradient could the primary factor in causing banding
  12. M

    Printed newspapers dead in ten years?

    I see the current business model (the infotainment, copy & paste from twitter type) as having little life left, however i have seen instances where public owned publishers sell titles to private entities (sometimes as a management buyout) where the paper becomes very successful after reverting...
  13. M

    Building the Relationship

    Unfortunately this is not uncommon and one aspect that i loathe when dealing with clients
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    From employee to freelancer for the same company!

    Also bear in mind that there is no provision for you when work is slow, i.e. there are are no minimum hours of work from week to week so budgeting is a must and advertise yourself as being available for contract work, have a look at www.upwork.com good luck
  15. M

    Reproductions -- Are we re-selling images or just physical prints?

    Fonts is a big one, just because its online doesnt mean its free..... the EULA in most has provisions to exclude commercial use (if no purchase was made)
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    Reproductions -- Are we re-selling images or just physical prints?

    Not sure if this holds true globally but there are limitations to royalty free images when these are used in commercial products
  17. M

    Ghost images on our print job

    Try this, download and install the free 30 day trail for Photoshop (http://www.adobe.com/nz/downloads.html) or get a free copy of a historic distribution (http://www.adobe.com/nz/downloads/other-downloads.html) open the PDF in Photoshop as CMYK, this effective rasterises the file and removes...
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    Polar Guillotine cuts without using foot pedal

    Is this the Oscar Pistorious model?
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    Printing Industry Future

    Augmented Reality, the conduit between print and digital....this has been my focus for the last few years and is gaining traction
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    Printing Evolution - Thirty Years Past to Present

    I can only comment on what the status quo is in NZ but i found tertiary training institutions to be focused on revenue where the graduates are churned without trade specific knowledge and potentially into an already saturated job market but there are bright eyed kids full of aspirations and i...


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