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adding bleed to PDF


The number one problem of customer-supplied PDF files: no bleed. Anyone know how I can extend the page elements?

It seems Pitstop should do it, but I can't get it to work.
Re: adding bleed to PDF

It depends on the element you need to add bleed to. Sometimes just removing a clipping mask will do it, other times you need to do it on each element using the position tool. If the PDF has no bleed box the next step would be to create one using the Global change page boxes tab. It's no easy feat doing this however and others may cringe at my solution for fixing most bleed issues but I've found placing the PDF in InDesign and either adding elements there or simply enlarging the whole PDF to meet bleed is sometimes the easiest way to do it. Images that need bleed can be opened in Photoshop and saved as psd's or tifs and replaced in Indy for example. With the amount of bad PDF's being made by people that have no printing knowledge these days, creative thinking seems to be a prerequisite for prepress monkeys these days...
Re: adding bleed to PDF

If this is a persistent problem EskoArtwork has a PDF Editor called PackEdge which has a Fix Bleed function. If your needed bleed is linework it will created the bleed object to get the the amount you have specified, thus leaving your original data intact. For images, if no mask or original image data exists, it can scale the image ( to your specified limits) giving you the extension you require. After which you may then have the option to export the file as PDF or Postscript for you current workflow.
You may do all of the above to your file globally, per page, or per objects interactively.

We also have a great product that runs on Mac called Neo. Neo offers highly interactive tools to modify all the pageboxes, based on other pageboxes, interactively, or you can simply snap them to selected objects. And with all the editing tools that are available in Neo, it even becomes an easy job to add bleed to objects as required for the output, even if no bleed was specified during the layout process.

Good Luck - peter
Re: adding bleed to PDF

Both nice applications Peter, but IMO way overpriced for small shops like mine. I just got through watching a video tutorial on new features in Acrobat 8 and it seems like it's now easier to make page size and bounding box changes. Even tho I hate the bloat in Acrobat 8, I will give it a go and see if it's faster than any of my old methods.
Re: adding bleed to PDF

Hi Paul,

Please contact me off-forum. I have an action list that I believe will do the trick. Email me at: jmorgan at hopkinsprinting dot com.

Jon Morgan
Hopkins Printing
Re: adding bleed to PDF

Hi Paul,

I think I may have mis-read your post. The action list I have will add a bleed box definition therefore allowing the PDF to have bleed. The action list won't extend actual page content.

My mistake!
Re: adding bleed to PDF

Hi Paul,

The best way to do this in PitStop Professional would be combi of manual selection and the Inspector panel. Especially the 'position' tab can come in handy!
Select the element and change X,Y coordinates accordingly.

You can try to create an Action List to automate this, but I think it will be too much work for too little process time gained.

I'm sure there are more automatic solutions for this, but in my opinion only for line-art and clipping paths. Resizing images will be a problem...

My two cents..
Re: adding bleed to PDF

You really don't want to go deleting masks arbitrarily.... That's a really dangerous thing to do. What you want to do is change the size of the masks to reveal certain areas so that you in effect "resize" the object to achieve the bleed.

Removing masks can have some very significantly *bad* consequences if not done very carefully and selectively. Yes, it will work. Just not frequently enough to be "bullet proof". Kind of like editing a PDF in Illustrator. Just because you can doesn't mean you should...

Oh, and while you're at it you should upgrade to PitStop Professional 7.5 and check out Neo 1.2.
Both nice applications Peter, but IMO way overpriced for small shops like mine.

We're a small shop and we have Neo. If you are receiving bad PDF's frequently and using the long list of steps noted, it is worth the investment. And we have worked fees into our pricing for doing fixes for clients. Most often when faced with missing a deadline to redo their files, they will have us fix the issue and stay in production. It is not a magic hat, but I would not want to do without it after using it for a few years now. Just my .02
It depends on the job. On most of the sort of work we receive, it'll take me all of a couple minutes to drop the PDF into InDy and add bleed there. Re-export from InDy and you're good to go.

(For example: maybe delete the background in existing PDF and replace in InDy with bleed; maybe there's a photo bleeding off - you can delete the photo from the PDF, after having saved it somewhere else, then drop into InDesign and resize.)

It is a versatile, sometimes round-about way to do things, perhaps not sophisticated enough for some people's tastes, but for simple jobs is quick and reliable.
We have 2 items which are we fail in our preflight on PDFs: short bleed and missing fonts. If the client supplies a PDF with either we stop the process right there and consult them to replace their file with a correct file. If the PDF has cropped image boundaries you can't extend them without scaling images and a huge amount of hand work since there is no more image. Missing fonts are are always failed since in a PDF workflow you can't guarantee font replacement will be successful.

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