Well-known member
We are trying to come up with a way to have a ink color of die that is in the designer ink book to be set to overprint in the imposition PDF when sent to be rendered. Right now Esko tells us that the default behavior for AE10 is if an ink is set to knockout then even if the type is changed in either designer/technical ink book to ink type- technical, the default is to knockout even though the preview appears correct then FlexRip will honor the KO. I need someway to make this idiot proof so that dies in our stepped files will not KO of our plates. Any ideas other than changing 30,000+ files to overprint? I could tie in PitStop but that is a $12,000 solution for Esko for PitStop services, indirectly by $3500 PitStop server or tons of time manually changing our files for something Agfa or Prinergy can do in their sleep.