Error 149 is indeed a spinner error. During boot , the engine starts the spinner and expects to see feedback pulses within a couple of seconds. If this does not happen , it post this error.
What can be the cause ?
First you should listen to the engine.
Does the spinner turn, just for a small time during the boot ? If yes , it means that your problem is probably located in the feedback circuitry. Typical issues here are the encoder, mounted on the back side of the motor or the cabling / electronics further down. Carefully cleaning the encoder could be a good first guess.
Do NOT remove the spinner if not needed.
Is the spinner not turning at all ?
This could be the drive electonics or the motor itself.
This motor is an airbearing motor. Can you try to turn it by hand ? ( power switched off , of course )
Do this in the "running" direction so you don´t hurt the air channels.
If you can turn it easily , it is most likely not broken.
If it is hard to turn this motor , you probably have a spinner problem.