Considering Apogee X Upgrading
Considering Apogee X Upgrading
We are currently using an AGFA Viper Rip 3.04 with an Avantra 30 OLP/Selectset and the Directors are considering upgrading the system. We use Macs with OS 9 and are recently having very new problems with the artworks coming in at the press. Main errors are "Enlarge Flush Policy" and "Postscript Error"...
For example,with simple 2 col PDFs, (we learnt have been created with Acrobat 7) upon sending for seperation we get results with one blank film and one rightly done film. As we have OS 9 we can send only through Acrobat 5. We think that this is one of our main issues. We have a third mac that we are considering to try to upgrade to OS X and will be doing it in the coming days. We will then try to send separations through that mac and see if we get any positive results.
Can anyone suggest to me if this is a good start or makes any sense? We are also considering investing in a new Pc so that we can at least open the files we recieve with new version software.
For Imposition we use "Inposition" through Quark.
Regarding the Apogee X software, does anyone suggest it as a good alternative instead of our current workflow as the Directors are considering this option at the moment.
I would really appreciate any suggestions regarding what steps i should take to upgrade the workflow without having to completely halt the current system, as we cannot afford to have any breakdowns or system conflicts because of production ques.
Thank you for your time