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Are toners lightfast?


Well-known member
We're printing some window decals for parking permits. Can anyone tell me if they will hold there color for one year? We're printing them on a Cannon 7010.

I don't think there's any commercial digital press today, which produces prints intended for outdoor display. I'll be happy to hear otherwise.
Expect no more than a few months, in my opinion.
I did find on this page that their toner is (at least they claim), but I don't know if all toners are.
No. I do trash can labels and bumper stickers on my Xerox C75 and they will last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years depending upon how much sunlight hits them, general weather conditions and at what point the user feels they need to be replaced. What color are they? Reds fade the fastest.
We don't know what color they're going to be yet. I might have to do the color offset and the numbering digital. :-(
An inkjet printer using pigment ink would probably last longer, but even that tends to get a slight bleed with time on film. I agree with Keith, stay away from reds if possible. On any faded signs I see it seems red fades first.
How many are you doing? Anytime longevity is a concern, I laminate. It fixes a lot of problems.
An inkjet printer using pigment ink would probably last longer, but even that tends to get a slight bleed with time on film. I agree with Keith, stay away from reds if possible. On any faded signs I see it seems red fades first.

It has to do with red being at the end of the visible light spectrum, where the highest wavelength lies.
I'm not sure if it will make a difference, but these are window labels. The print will be on the inside of the glass and on the backside of the label. (we're printing in reverse) That may buy me some time.
That should help a lot. I'm no automotive engineer burt I believe auto glass stops certain UV rays. I try wearing my sunglasses with transition lenses while driving and they do not darken up. If they are already dark, they go clear.


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