Avantra 44s Cutter difficulty


For some reason the cutter refuses to operate.
I have already confirmed that the interlock switch for the cutter cover is in place and depressed.

The controll screen switches to the waiting icon (the image of the rollers at the bottom left, not the 27 code which designates it is waiting on the processor) as normal, but then nothing happens.

Vlad, the manual cut produces the same response as an automated cut.
Thanks, but it was the first thing I tried this morning.
I just had our maintenance guy check the circuit on the interlock switch, and it is working properly.
The only online reference I can find to this type f problem is

Which, unfortunately, is very similiar to my issue.
I fear it means that the cutter itself has died.
If anyone has any other suggestions, they would be most welcome!
What Error ## you've got, after rebooting for instance?

Actually, there is NO error message, it goes through the normal process of preparing to cut, it just fails to send power to the cutter.

We tested that part as well... no idea if the cutter motor works, because no power is being sent to it.

Prayng it isn't the DEC board.
I have never seen broken Cutter motors during my 15 years Avantra service practice.
First of all check the mechanical ability of the Cutter to move: Turn Off Avantra, open the cover and right door and rotate RED colored wheel of Manual Cutter driver Mech.
If OK - remove two (red and black) wires OFF the Cutter Motor and connect some internal DC power source or 12V Battery - should be enough to drive The Cutter Motor (24V DC).
If OK - the problem came from the SDM driver board.
You have TWO identical boards covered with black plastic covers... if you are able to swap them up and turn ON Avantra again, the Cutter should work OK and no more extra errors will come because U2 chip L298N not used at Supply part of Avantra (except Tail Punch).
If U2 completely broken - you have to get Punch Errors as well.
Good luck!
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And my adviсe - cut off 2 wires connected to Cutter cover safety switch and short cut them... that switch is not so reliable.
Second advice - rewind film back to cassette, reboot Avantra and load film - before load starts Avantra has to check BOTH punch assies - did you get an error msg?
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We don't actually use the punch, so I don't know if we would've gotten those errors (?).
We're working on switching the SDM boards... will provide update once finished.
Thank you very much, Vlad!
Assuming the boards were switched correctly...
Still no dice. :(
I did notice that it is failing to give the 44 error message (Cut Not Allowed- not enough media) even though it should be now.
I did notice that it is failing to give the 44 error message (Cut Not Allowed- not enough media) even though it should be now.
Sorry, I should've been clearer...
It SHOULD be giving error 44, but isn't.
It refuses to proceed with or without film loaded and past the cutter.

When it should either cut or give the 44, instead it just sits there waiting.

Pittman has an Avantra service tech, but I fear he will arrive after we have presses waiting on film/plates.
You did not complete all my reccomends, buddy!
Remove the battery from your car and connect it DIRECTLY to the CutterMotor - does it run?
If YES - 90% you have a DEC problem :(
Motor tested... works fine :(
DEC board due to arrive Tuesday AM.
Will update for others with this issue once problem is resolved.

Thank you very much for your assitance Vlad :D
It was the DEC board. As soon as it was replaced, the cutter started working.
On the other hand, the new DEC board won't put the bridge in Heavy Mode.
(If it ain't one thing...)

Not a big deal, just something of note.
FIlm is dropping!
Thanks again :D
When it rains it pours....
Is there a reset or some other calibration that should be done in regards to the mechanical parts?

The cutter is working, but it isn't synched up right.
It is feeding through almost a foot of blank film, and then cutting the last foot off of the imaged film.
Did that Pittman guy save all params from the old DEC?
Is he a real former AGFA serviceman or just short-trained third party rep?
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We're still waiting on the tech.
Our maintenance depart jumped the gun and installed it before I arrived this morning.
Figured out that the problem is the BOL (beginning Of Line) parameter. Probably a lot of other parameters off the old board we need too.
I'm putting the kibbosh on our maintenance department doing ANYTHING else.

This is tech work, we need a trained tech to do it.
Oh, I see now...
Nex time cut the fingers of your maintenance fella's hands OFF. :)
Under the ordinary regulations you CAN NOT open Sparepart boxes before the tech will come in... or you will loose the Warranty.
Put the old DEC back into Avantra 'cause the tech have to copy all params into his laptop before DEC's replacement.
Anyway, now you know that DEC was a source of your headache.
Everything gonna be OK after DEC's reprogranning - normally DEC comes preprogrammed for Av30 - that's why you cant drive the Bridge properly.
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Hi Guys.
I was reading this post with great interest, about the cutter motor not responding and the AVA not reporting any errors, then the problem turning out to be the DEC board. After working almost exclusively on Avantras fo 10 years, (15 years with Agfa, now on Polaris) I thought that I knew just about all there was to know. I would have thought that error 185 or 186 (cutter motor on/off fail) would have been posted on power-up. Just goes to show - live and learn. Vlad, seems like you have the same policy as I do. I still have a full data base of every single Avantra's DEC Machine Parameters on my laptop. Cardinal rule No1. Always have the DEC parameters handy. I have in the past seen an Avantra converted into a very expensive paper weight by someone with a copy of AVDiag and not been trained on how to use it.


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