Has any one come across a solution for batch importing images into a document (Quark or InDesign) and create pages automatically.
The problem is that I would like to be able to set up the picture box to be as the master page ( 5mm bleed -5mm x and y coordinates ).
This is so the automatic page numbering and master artwork stays in front of the picture box.
Most contact sheet solutions create the boxes on the fly on top of any master artwork and also do not allow for bleed off the page.
The problem is that I would like to be able to set up the picture box to be as the master page ( 5mm bleed -5mm x and y coordinates ).
This is so the automatic page numbering and master artwork stays in front of the picture box.
Most contact sheet solutions create the boxes on the fly on top of any master artwork and also do not allow for bleed off the page.