• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Best wishes for tomorrow

the end of the counting is coming nearer and nearer in Georgia and Pennsylvania now...

thrilling like the soccer World Championship semi final 1990 between England and Germany: Great show, applause!

not sure which song of this (very) great canadian magician fits better, Democracy or Hallelujah, your choice:

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I have heard both songs by a few different artists. These are professionally produced and written with his partner, while well down ear candy with professional musician's. Please if you are comparing my song to these would be like comparing a Picasso to my Childs scribbles. I am far from a Pro as my web site states, I write songs that have meaning to me and if it is not not liked so be it. Digital recording is a wonderful way to share songs from around the world and have them collaborate with me or others. The world has problems, no matter the country you live in. My wish is for world peace, America is fine the way it is in my opinion.

There are many world leaders I question, Trump is a tell it like it is guy and has brought jobs back to America and eased regulations, I will miss him.
Stay well, Stay Positive and Test Negative

I put my song back up on You Tube to clarify the meaning
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I have heard both songs by a few different artists. These are professionally produced and written with his partner, while well down ear candy with professional musician's. Please if you are comparing my song to these would be like comparing a Picasso to my Childs scribbles. I am far from a Pro as my web site states, I write songs that have meaning to me and if it is not not liked so be it. Digital recording is a wonderful way to share songs from around the world and have them collaborate with me or others. The world has problems, no matter the country you live in. My wish is for world peace, America is fine the way it is in my opinion.

There are many world leaders I question, Trump is a tell it like it is guy and has brought jobs back to America and eased regulations, I will miss him.
Stay well, Stay Positive and Test Negative

I put my song back up on You Tube to clarify the meaning
I feel the same way.
"Game over man"
Apparently Trump has been elected to spend more with his family and up his golf game.
"Trump has been elected to spend more with his family and up his golf game."

Maybe. But he still has his defense to work on. Income tax evasion, inciting a riot, obstruction of justice, lying to investigators, fraud, rape . . .
...has brought jobs back to America and eased regulations, I will miss him.

Again me

I have learned a lot here and i want to thank you for that honestly!

After this experience (to discover the more real individual behind smalloffsetpressexperts „position“) i apologize my link to the Tom Waits song - in my opinion really good music, not only the guitar, very strong but(!) poetry. It is falling back of my foots. (Hoping now nobody had taken hoisting as a serious suggestion.) But although i had hidden my personally comment of what i think of the personal character of one of the both candidates (a rag) precautionary but also cowardly in a (bad) joke i was not aware enough that there a individual hope and sorrows are connected with the still incumbent president.

You are damned right that there are a lot of other Leaders in the world they are questionable, no doubt, but Mr Trump has also with no doubt created a very special new catagory in my opinion.

I still can not understood this Loyalty and this consistent willingness to let him get away with everything. This constant willingness to forgive everything and simply to accept his version of the truth and to carry it further and to defend it, which is bordering on giving up your own mind.

I mean, everyone, as long as he was not trained exclusively in such a creationist idiot breed should overthink and accept the fact, that only by statistic reasons it is not possible, that everytime when something has happened what could possibly harass his authority and integrety is a faked fiction by his poltical opponents...

Four years ago i (and the whole world i guess) had checked that there is meanwhile a wide gap between the political establishment and the people and therefore Hillary Clinton had expierienced a bad surprise. Might be also there is already a huge educational/intellectual gap in education and therefore everybody who „is not one of us“ is against us...

I do not want to comment his poltically acting and denying regarding climate issues or the actual corona-issues, no big deal (but a lot to repair...).

It is his character: What had make me really stunned for an example is his comment to John McCains captivity in Vietnam as a non-server! That is not chuzpe, that is insane cruelty in my eyes and arrogantly also. I had also in my mind the Alexander Vindman case...

PS: i am not praying, i do not believe that god had created mankind. I believe, that mankind had created god as best as an answer to unanswered questions and as a vehicle for organizing the power in communities and later celebrating him for a sucsessful business. There had been an other Martin Luther who had argued that ;-)
Heads up, life goes on. I will not wonder, if Mr. Trump will get back into a TV-show and then he will be with you if you want him, because his Golf and Hotel Business will probably have an economically breake soon. And if the Senate will be won by the republications he will probably make a new run to the white house in four years again. Hoping your childs then are old enough to discuss with you about the climate.

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... But he still has his defense to work on. Income tax evasion, inciting a riot, obstruction of justice, lying to investigators, fraud, rape . . .

So, you mean there will be no flight carrier once named with him?
I still can not understood this Loyalty and this consistent willingness to let him get away with everything. This constant willingness to forgive everything and simply to accept his version of the truth and to carry it further and to defend it, which is bordering on giving up your own mind.
Most politicians say whatever they think will get them elected and in power and then once in office does whatever the money behind them wants them to do. This means to actually figure out what their "true" policy is you have to go back into history and figure out what they actually "did" not what they say or post on their website they will do.

With Pres. Trump we got true policy w/ a crappy personality. With most politicians you get a charismatic personality and lying policies.

As far as "letting him get away with etc. etc." That is SO not exclusive to Pres. Trump. I see the media letting a whole lot of politicians get away with a whole lot of crap and saying nothing at all. The difference with Trump is that the media lied so much about him that people have an inflated view of how he's so much worse than normal politicians. I call it even there.

What I can't believe is the constant willingness of people to vote the SAME politicians back into office over and over again and expecting things to change. We really need term limits OR to instill in people a mindset of actually holding their representatives accountable when they don't deliver on policy. I could literally care less about your pretty face (color, gender, religious etc) do what I voted you to do or get out.
the end of the counting is coming nearer and nearer in Georgia and Pennsylvania now...

thrilling like the soccer World Championship semi final 1990 between England and Germany: Great show, applause!

not sure which song of this (very) great canadian magician fits better, Democracy or Hallelujah, your choice:

Before Leonard Cohen became famous he would come to the university (Sir George Williams (now Concordia) in Montreal) where I was studying fine arts and recite his poetry and sing his songs to fine arts students in the 5th floor hallway. He always had a yo-yo with him which he played while walking the streets of the city.
And this is what will be happening over the next little while:
Just click on the Watch on Vimeo to play video.
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Again me

I have learned a lot here and i want to thank you for that honestly!

After this experience (to discover the more real individual behind smalloffsetpressexperts „position“) i apologize my link to the Tom Waits song - in my opinion really good music, not only the guitar, very strong but(!) poetry. It is falling back of my foots. (Hoping now nobody had taken hoisting as a serious suggestion.) But although i had hidden my personally comment of what i think of the personal character of one of the both candidates (a rag) precautionary but also cowardly in a (bad) joke i was not aware enough that there a individual hope and sorrows are connected with the still incumbent president.

You are damned right that there are a lot of other Leaders in the world they are questionable, no doubt, but Mr Trump has also with no doubt created a very special new catagory in my opinion.

I still can not understood this Loyalty and this consistent willingness to let him get away with everything. This constant willingness to forgive everything and simply to accept his version of the truth and to carry it further and to defend it, which is bordering on giving up your own mind.

I mean, everyone, as long as he was not trained exclusively in such a creationist idiot breed should overthink and accept the fact, that only by statistic reasons it is not possible, that everytime when something has happened what could possibly harass his authority and integrety is a faked fiction by his poltical opponents...

Four years ago i (and the whole world i guess) had checked that there is meanwhile a wide gap between the political establishment and the people and therefore Hillary Clinton had expierienced a bad surprise. Might be also there is already a huge educational/intellectual gap in education and therefore everybody who „is not one of us“ is against us...

I do not want to comment his poltically acting and denying regarding climate issues or the actual corona-issues, no big deal (but a lot to repair...).

It is his character: What had make me really stunned for an example is his comment to John McCains captivity in Vietnam as a non-server! That is not chuzpe, that is insane cruelty in my eyes and arrogantly also. I had also in my mind the Alexander Vindman case...

PS: i am not praying, i do not believe that god had created mankind. I believe, that mankind had created god as best as an answer to unanswered questions and as a vehicle for organizing the power in communities and later celebrating him for a sucsessful business. There had been an other Martin Luther who had argued that ;-)
Heads up, life goes on. I will not wonder, if Mr. Trump will get back into a TV-show and then he will be with you if you want him, because his Golf and Hotel Business will probably have an economically breake soon. And if the Senate will be won by the republications he will probably make a new run to the white house in four years again. Hoping your childs then are old enough to discuss with you about the climate.

Was a fun discussion. Trump was vilified by the media and because HRC lost it was Blue war against him. I like NFL football and there was one coach that his players and media would criticize all the time, but that coach has more super bowls rings then any one in history. He was a direct and to the point guy, which I like in a person. I call people arm chair quarter backs but they never or could ever play the game
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Before Leonard Cohen became famous he would come to the university (Sir George Williams (now Concordia) in Montreal) where I was studying fine arts and recite his poetry and sing his songs to fine arts students in the 5th floor hallway. He always had a yo-yo with him which he played while walking the streets of the city.

My very first love - unhappy of course - was accompanied by his LP „songs of“, the name of my wife i am married with since now 26 years is the same like that girl which feeds tea and oranges...

Many outstanding good songs on all his earlier LPs, „Dear Heather“ may be his best disk, so many years later!
Was a fun discussion. Trump was vilified by the media and because HRC lost it was Blue war against him.

poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him: bad, bad media, always on the wrong side...

Might be in the US will rise up a green party too in a couple of years, then it will be not the old boring stuff with a third player in the ring and the additive color mixing will enlighten you ;-)
Again me

I have learned a lot here and i want to thank you for that honestly!

After this experience (to discover the more real individual behind smalloffsetpressexperts „position“) i apologize my link to the Tom Waits song - in my opinion really good music, not only the guitar, very strong but(!) poetry. It is falling back of my foots. (Hoping now nobody had taken hoisting as a serious suggestion.) But although i had hidden my personally comment of what i think of the personal character of one of the both candidates (a rag) precautionary but also cowardly in a (bad) joke i was not aware enough that there a individual hope and sorrows are connected with the still incumbent president.

You are damned right that there are a lot of other Leaders in the world they are questionable, no doubt, but Mr Trump has also with no doubt created a very special new catagory in my opinion.

I still can not understood this Loyalty and this consistent willingness to let him get away with everything. This constant willingness to forgive everything and simply to accept his version of the truth and to carry it further and to defend it, which is bordering on giving up your own mind.

I mean, everyone, as long as he was not trained exclusively in such a creationist idiot breed should overthink and accept the fact, that only by statistic reasons it is not possible, that everytime when something has happened what could possibly harass his authority and integrety is a faked fiction by his poltical opponents...

Four years ago i (and the whole world i guess) had checked that there is meanwhile a wide gap between the political establishment and the people and therefore Hillary Clinton had expierienced a bad surprise. Might be also there is already a huge educational/intellectual gap in education and therefore everybody who „is not one of us“ is against us...

I do not want to comment his poltically acting and denying regarding climate issues or the actual corona-issues, no big deal (but a lot to repair...).

It is his character: What had make me really stunned for an example is his comment to John McCains captivity in Vietnam as a non-server! That is not chuzpe, that is insane cruelty in my eyes and arrogantly also. I had also in my mind the Alexander Vindman case...

PS: i am not praying, i do not believe that god had created mankind. I believe, that mankind had created god as best as an answer to unanswered questions and as a vehicle for organizing the power in communities and later celebrating him for a sucsessful business. There had been an other Martin Luther who had argued that ;-)
Heads up, life goes on. I will not wonder, if Mr. Trump will get back into a TV-show and then he will be with you if you want him, because his Golf and Hotel Business will probably have an economically breake soon. And if the Senate will be won by the republications he will probably make a new run to the white house in four years again. Hoping your childs then are old enough to discuss with you about the climate.

LOL No God? Baffles me. I live by his 10 commandments. Gives me faith in mankind. Your view of Life and People reminds me of Adolf and other dictators. You know our business contributes big time to Climate change, Ozone produced by machines, Fossil fuel produces electricity to run these huge machines, not to mention the junk mail etc. I would like to see Printing companies disappear and just use PDF's etc. Make it all digital. The new God will be Google, Face book, Twitter etc. Will you believe in them?
Before Leonard Cohen became famous he would come to the university (Sir George Williams (now Concordia) in Montreal) where I was studying fine arts and recite his poetry and sing his songs to fine arts students in the 5th floor hallway. He always had a yo-yo with him which he played while walking the streets of the city.
I liked your post for helping me to understand:

legislative: do not deliver
judicial: is in the „right“ hand, but dosn‘t match with the legislative color
executive: works, dosn‘t fit with the judicial
And the fourth collumn, „the media“ is not impartial enough...

You have really some problems ;-)
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