Calibrating a Duplo UltraBind PUR 2000 or Similar Binders


Well-known member
I am trying to calibrate a Duplo UltraBind PUR 2000, but without much experience or a technical manual with specs I am left with a lot of guess work.

Does anyone have a technical manual for this machine? Perhaps for a similar machine that I can get a few clues from?

For example, I am wondering how much clearance should there be between the text block and the glue head? I assume that if it is too close then there won't be enough glue applied to the text block, but if it is too far away then there is a lot of glue that gets spilled and wasted. So, what clearance would be ideal?

Also, most of the books seem to have the glue applied unevenly, but only at the top of the spine, the bottom (which passes the glue head first) is fine. I am guessing this is because of an obstruction in the glue channel, which causes the flow of the glue to slow down after an initial burst. I am giving the whole machine a good clean out so hopefully that will solve this problem, but any tips or suggestions from people who've "been there and done that" would be greatly appreciated.


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