Would like to update this thread because we have moved this conversion to our " LEN2TIFF " application. It handles these conversions with all needed parameters in a very fast way. It can also be integrated into workflows using the Command Line Interface:
LEN to TIFF Converter v
Revision History:
02/19/2016 v
1. The project is re-built with the latest (v 6.1.9) UniKey library as an attempt to make it work under Windows 10.
04/29/2015 v
1. Added a new option which allows to output the data as it is stored in the original LEN file, i.e., without mirroring. This option can be turned on in the Common tab of the Preferences dialog by checking "Don't mirror" box. In the command line, this option is set by '-m' command;
2. A little bug/feature changed to prevent from logging empty lines at startup (changes relate to WXDINT.lib, WXLOGFIL.CPP).
03/23/2015 v
1. Added a '-q' command line option to run in the quiet mode. With this option, LEN2TIFF won't display any user interface; it will just run a single job provided the proper arguments are given in the command line, and then quit. The log information, if any, will still be stored and can be viewed by manual LEN2TIFF run.
12/20/2012 v
1. The command line is changed to make it possible to specify TIFF compression options separately for bilevel and contone TIFF;
2. The project is re-built with the protection library based on update of 12/20/2012.
Command line:
len2tiff [-h] [-i <input path>] [-o <output path>] [-b<bilevel compression>] [-c<contone compression>] [-a] [-n] [-p]
-h - Command line help. If present, LEN2TIFF will display the command line description in its log window at startup.
-i <input path> - input path of a single LEN file to be converted to TIFF. If omitted, LEN2TIFF starts in its regular mode as a dialog application. If present, LEN2TIFF starts, makes the conversion if possible, then quits. This case the exit code is 0 on success, -1 on error.
<input path> is the input LEN file pathname. If partial path is specified, LEN2TIFF assumes the current work directory as the base directory.
-o <output path> - output path of the resultant TIFF file. If omitted, the current work directory is assumed. If <output path> doesn't contain the file name, the actual TIFF file name will be taken same as the source LEN file name with the 'len' extension replaced to 'tif'. To specify the output path without the name, terminate it with the backslash character '\' to indicate that it is a directory.
-b<bilevel compression> is an option to compress bilevel (i.e., 1 bit) TIFF image data.
Possible values are:
n - No compression (default)
4 - Group4 Fax compression
l - (lowercase 'L') - LZW compression.
so this option may look as -bn or -b4 or -bl
-c<contone compression> is an option to compress contone (grayscale) TIFF image data.
Possible values are:
n - No compression (default)
l - (lowercase 'L') - LZW compression
i.e., the contone compression option may be -cn or -cl
-a - Scanline alignment. If present, the output TIFF scanlines will be padded with the blank pixels to make the number of pixels 32 multiple for bilevel TIFF or 4 multiple for grayscale TIFF.
-n - Performs the color inversion, i.e., builds the negative output image.
-p - Uses prediction (only affects gray scale LZW compressed TIFFs). This reduces the file size, but needs the TIFF reader to support tag 317 (see TIFF documentation).