Changing lpi on Apogee PDF RIP series 2 on PC


Hi guys,

i need your help please i am not very familiar with my rip, right now the lpi is 133 and i want to increase it to either 150lpi or 175lpi but i dont know how to go about it, could someone please help

Don't be lazy - read the RIP User Manual how to change default AGFA Balanced Screening tile/values using AGFASet -->Ruling Map.
You can use only Resolution/Linearity combinations to make one of them default (2400/150, 2400/175, 1800/150 etc)... or mark a checkbox as the default parameter -Override Rulling map to use not in-RIP parameters but in-file ones.
That will take one hour maximum to read, to understand and to perform.
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Hi, VladCanada, thanks alot for your response, I am based in Tanzania, East Africa, we bought the machine Agfa Evantra 25 which was supplied with Apogee RIP but i dont think they gave us all the manuals hence my seeking the assistance. I will have to ask the suppliers to send me some more manuals. Thanks alot for you advice


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