Thank you for the link. I found a few topics which may have helped but they seem to be geared for AE 12 rather then AE 14. Even some of the AE 14 documentation does not appear to be updated. For example, in the knowledge base article "KB76721008: DeskPack - Can the temporary files in the DeskPack container be cleaned up" it states "you can automatically delete tasks (Automation Engine Pilot Tools menu > Configure > Clean up rules)" In AE 14 there is no Tools > Configure > Clean up rules. There is however a clean up rules tab under Tools > Configure > Automation Engine Database > Tasks > Cleanup Rules "tab" but it is not really clear to me if this is where I can tell AE to delete the temp files in the deskpack container.It looks to me like this is where you can remove the history of the tasks in the AE task pane. It also states in the article that you can adapt your workflow to mark or select these files so they can be deleted at the end of the workflow but it doesn't go into much detail about that. This is what i ended up doing by having a "select file" task look for any folder starting with TS with a regex and delete any matched folders found. I think i am missing something because that seems like a long way around to do what I'm after. Believe me I am no Automation Engine expert that's why I am asking...