Here is my dilemma. I am printing from a Roland (SC-545 EX) with Lyson inks on Ritrama gloss white vinyl. My prints have all cured for a full 24 plus hours. After my prints are done I take them to our screen dept. to be clearcoated and back to production for masking/cutting. A client of ours is having peeling issues when applying the graphics for their RVs. The ink and clearcoat have been peeling from the mask in certain areas of the different graphics. However, I did a test by printing a graphic, letting it sit for 30 minutes or so, premasked the part and had no peeling or ink coming off on the premask. I think the issue is the way these parts are being clearcoated as this issue doesn't happen when not clearcoated. Does anyone have suggestions? Are these parts getting too much UV time? Increase or decrease the millijoules? I am at a loss. Thank you for any suggestions you have.