Duplo stitch cartridges


We have been having issues with the stitches on our Duplo - The snail cartridges. We had an engineer in who took a look at it and said its not the machine its the cartridges and they know about it. He went through our cartridge stock and picked out 2 and said they are the only good ones. We have run both these cartridges without missing a stitch. As soon as they ran out and we replaced the cartridges and it wouldn't stitch again. The machine is basically useless without the proper cartridges - the bad ones come direct from Duplo!. Has anyone else had this problem and if so do they have a supplier they can recommend for the cartridges. We are actually looking at having to replace the machine because of this issue which seems extreme!
If you're running a DBM120 I believe they work with Swingline cartridges, or maybe that's what you already have. The side of the shell will have the Swingline logo. If you're not already using the Swingline version, you may want to give some a try.

I've had some odd issues with my Xerox finisher that doesn't like certain cartridges, I take the staples out of the cartridge holder and put them in the holder that was working. Once I do that everything runs fine. Not sure if that's a similar issue you're having but it would have been a bit more helpful if your tech told you what the issue was.
Seems like if the engineer says it’s the cartridges, and they were bought from duplo, that you should contact duplo.

I have a dbm150 and haven’t had a bad stitch yet in dozens of cartridges.
Did you see my post of a couple of months back-

Hi Guys. Just be aware that there is a large batch of dud staple cartridges out there (the snail ones). I don't know if they are all manufactured from the same factory.
Something to do with the glue strip on them. (to wide? wrong glue?). Not sure if Duplo has resolved the issue. It's possible that the dud ones only came to this part of the world. ta Simon
First Duplo 150 uses different cartridges. As for the 120 cartridges there is a issue with them but nobody owns up to it. I think the glue strip is too wide. Inside the head is 2 tiny fingers that flick the staple forward for the next cycle. If they slip on the glue it doesn't advance and you miss the staple. Sometimes switching to another head or trying different cartridges helps but???
Also heard MBM plockmatic heads work better than Duplo. Slight difference but they work ok.


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